Sometime last month, we went to this resto (in the other town) for lunch. It was our third (if my memory serves me right) and upon entering, we noticed something new on the concrete wall beside our table. A lively, colorful painting!

At first sight, I thought it was wallpaper but when we got closer, I realized it was not. Because there were other customers, I took these photos discreetly.
This was just half of it (forgive me for this photo). While I wanted to take a better shot, my timidity prevailed, lol! But yes, it's quite an interesting artwork, with the lady with a cup sitting on a branch of what I believe to be a fruiting coffee tree.

The truth is, I even attempted to take one while we were exiting the place but my darn shyness talked me out of it, lol!😂
I find the red onion real-life-like, as the red chili pepper, and so as the sliced cheese.

Our Lil Guy was behaved as usual. In the photo below, his eyes were locked on the outside, looking through the front glass walls. He tends to observe things quietly, well except when he sees another dog where he whimpers or even growls at them. I think it's his way of saying he wants to play with them.

One of the reasons why we chose the place is their pet-friendliness. Some of the food houses in the locality do not allow pets inside so our poor Yongi stays in the car.
I think one of the worries of those who refuse pets is the mess they make. Thankfully, our Lil Guy never littered or caused chaos in any of the public places that we have been to.
Anyway, this was my plate at that time (blurry shot), sizzling pork sisig which I didn't realize to be spicy until I took my first bite. The hubby ended up eating it and I had his spaghetti set (which we didn't bother to photograph).

Perhaps on our next visit, we'll have something better to show😁 I'm hoping they will also have the other walls painted.
Anyway, it's Monday and we're up to the challenge of doing some DIY in the house. Will share about it soon! Until then, have a terrific day (night) wherever you may be.
All pictures are my own. 03022025/07:58ph