#pimpUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutsamazingdrinks in #hive-189869 • 4 days agoCheers to our delegators! # 102 (Payment of delegations – TWO WEEKS)Source Amaznellybestie in #hive-120586 • 17 hours agoHOW I PREPARED MY CHICKEN CURRY SAUCE Good evening lovers of good food 😋 I have a new meal recipe to share with you guys and I trust you all would love to try it 🤗. I prepared it for an occasion to attend the…madilyn02 in #hive-189869 • 6 days agoPapaya chocolate and oat smoothie Hello dear friends. It's another beautiful day for another nice and tasty smoothie. Today's is a very special combination, and with that our favorite fruit, Papaya! Paphillarecette in #hive-125125 • 6 hours agoLa mortadelleSalut à tous, J'adore la mortadelle, cette spécialité d'origine Italienne. A base de viande de porc et d'abats elle a un goût unique. On en trouve maintenant en barquette et…phillarecette in #hive-125125 • yesterdayPormoniers à la moutardeSalut à tous, une recette très simple que j'adore de pormoniers avec une sauce moutarde. Les pormoniers sont des saucisses de Savoie de type diots mais avec en plus du vert de poireau et desphillarecette in #hive-125125 • 3 days agoPommes au fourSalut à tous, pas la peine d'être un grand cuisinier pour faire des desserts sains, facile et rapide. Des pommes juste cuites au four. Le principal c'est d'avoir un bon produit et j'utilise des pozekepickleman in #beersaturday • 7 days ago#Beersaturday - A Good Week in Beer!#Beerologist may be a made up title but I sure lean into it with my enjoyment of craft beers and weekly blog. If you are the same, then #beersaturday by our friend @detlev may be the placbemier in #hive-188753 • 7 hours agoAubergine Moussakka Recipe (Tr-En)Turkish For English, please click here. Herkese merhabaaa!!! Umarım iyisinizdir ya da iyi olmaya çalışıyorsunuzdur. Ben iyi gibiyim. En azındaileart in #hive-100067 • 5 days agoChicken with peppers and onions [ENG||ESP]HI EVERYONE Chicken with peppers and onions is very tasty, it has a plkingsleyy in #hive-193212 • 3 days agoHalf fresh and half decayed soursopWe have a fast-growing soursop tree in our compound, and this year, it produced its first set of fruits. The tree is at the corner of the compound, and since we are quite many in…phillarecette in #hive-125125 • 5 days agoAiguillettes de poulet et brocolisSalut à tous, pas envie de me lancer dans une grande recette et en plus il me resmairimgo23 in #hive-100067 • 3 days agoMi primera torta de auyama en airfryerHola a todos por esta linda comunidad, feliz noche. Quiero compartir con ustedes despues de una larga ausencia por aquí, una receta que improvisé el día de hobemier in #hive-188753 • 2 days agoBiscuit Balls (Easy Making!) (Tr-En)Turkish For English, please click here. Herkese merhabaaa!!! Umarım iyisinizdir ya da iyi olmaya çalışıyorsunuzdur. Ben iyi sayılırım. Hâlâ uğphillarecette in #hive-125125 • 6 days agoQuenelles à la basquaiseSalut à tous, j'aime bien changer les recettes en me basant sur des classiques comme le poulet basquaise, mais en version quenelles. La base c'est oignons, poivrons, ail, tomates et pimentthemyscira in #hive-120586 • 4 days agoInto the blender/ In den MixerHello lovelies, I hope you had a great day! 💚 Today I didn't have much time to cook properly, but I still needed a wholesome meal. So I cooked everything I had in theileart in #hive-100067 • 2 days agoRefreshing Homemade Guava Ice Cream [ENG||ESP]HI EVERYONE I like to make juice with guava pulp, it is a habit I haileart in #hive-100067 • 8 hours agoDelicious Vegetable Omelette [ENG||ESP]HI EVERYONE I have always said that omelettes are my favourite for bmadilyn02 in #hive-180569 • 6 hours agoHow I made cassava ballsOne thing I love most about visiting my mom’s village is reconnecting with traditional foods that remind me of home, simplicity, and childhood memories and that especiatagmout in #hive-127238 • 4 days agoA yummy chocolat flanI prepared a delicious chocolate flan and poured it into nice cups. Do you like my cups? I bought them specially for flan. They really make the dessert look even more special, don't you think?fizz0 in #hive-117778 • yesterday A Simple Day Full of Little JoysHello friends, how are you all, I hope you all are well. Friends this morning I woke up at 6 am, after waking up I took my phone and checked some notifications in it. After…