Ramen Paradise at Grab a Cuppa.

in #hivelast year

Grab a Cuppa the newly constructed restaurant in Mirpur New market at VTBC Tower. There is well enough facility to reach the restaurant and well decorated. You can visit this place for getting them an opportunity to serve you a more than great delicious food and as well as they will treat oneself to greatly release the never ending stress of our daily city life. You can visit here with your friends or family member to spend some beautiful moments in these boundary of the wall. You can trust me that I guarantee every food item is so tasty and you will be satisfied with their service and pretty looking of food.

During the past days I was in search of hunting a nice place and tasty Ramen for at least one year. Finally, I found it at Grab A Cuppa and guys I can assure you that It's a high time to taste it. It's a superior quality and you can not imagine how delicious it is. I love to eat Ramen and really a true Ramen hunter, I like the Grab A Cuppa's version and this time also same as the past. The indoor decoration and welcomed door as well as the atmosphere hypnotized my attention to the Grab A Cuppa.

The chocolate coffee was first class. From my observation the sugar level can slightly be reduced. The coldness was perfect according to our observation. The amount is quite higher than the expectation level.

Now lets talk about the star of the show. Its about having a coffee, Ramen bowls. As a food lover, I was satisficed with the rice bowl amount and it perfectly satisfied my hunger. But my full attention was on Ramen. Each portion of this menu was introduced a feelings in my body.

I ordered cake as a desert part. The slice of the cake was well decorated. It was full of chocolates. With an Orio biscuits piece it was finely decorated. The eggs was nicely placed with some decorated seeds. At the end we taste for the sandwich and Perfect Crispy French fry. The food item was served with some sauces. I have tried it for the first time in my life. I hope I will not forget the magic taste of the sauces. It was a great day.

About The Author

A man, resolute and determined, named Faruque, born in September 1994, hails from Dhaka province in Bangladesh. His daily routine is work.

Along with working I am a great food lover. However, I have several hobbies like as reading books, free hand drawing and writing article, cooking, gardening, playing sports and traveling. I want to share some positive incidents from my daily activities and get feedback form your side.


Some more incredible-looking food and drink. Thanks for sharing!