Hangover Cured with a Full Irish Breakfast

in Foodies Bee Hive11 months ago

Night Out

My work summer party was on last night and my friends from work were humming and haying about going.

In the end most of the guys were not going so I decided not to go, but when I woke up yesterday I was logged into work and got chatting to one of my friends we decided at the last minute to go so I got my stuff together, got a late bus to Dublin and had a great night out in town.

We got things started in one of my favourite Dublin pubs Bowes, more to follow about Bowes tomorrow for Beer Saturday. Suffice to say the pints were magnificent.


Fast forward to getting a late bus home and then a taxi from the bus depot and getting to bed really late and then up early for work.

The hangover hit like a bat out of hell! It was time for a full Irish Breakfast to hopefully save me!

The sausages, rashers, tomatoes, pudding and eggs all went into the pan.


And out came a fine greasy breakfast. Healthy? No. Perfectly presented? No. Eggs done nicely? 50%

Anyway it hit the spot 🎯


I'm actually hungry now talking about it and looking at that photo. It's been a busy work day and I haven't had lunch yet, so I'm thinking of being bold and getting a nice Indian or Thai takeaway for us.

The breakfast below that I made a few weeks ago is definitely more pleasing to the eye, but I think today's breakfast is the winner.




Today's breakfast is the winner as it made me feel at least 30% better when I got it into me along with a nice warm mug of Tae.

What is it about salty and sweet foods that make them so desirable after a beer session the next day?

Riddle me that.

Answers on a postcard to

BiBi Basken,
PO Box,
Dublin 4.

The images used throughout are all my own captured on my Samsung Smartphone

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out

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Feel good breakfast after night on the town, not really a 'regmaker' helps when feeling fragile, appeals to most. 🙃

Ya not quite the remaker or 'cure' as we call it in these parts, but it did a job!

"Hair of the dog"?

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks a mil @qurator and @ewkaw

Nice fried foods used to work to help me, but these days it seems like nothing short of throwing up a few times and hovering near death for most of the day can save me from a hangover. le sigh... one of my least favorite changes about getting older.

Oh well. Glad it worked for you, at least a little bit!

Oooooooooh that doesn't sound good. I can't remember the last time alcohol made me sick, thankfully, but definitely had my fair share of hangovers!

This is really a queen breakfast compared to mine that it made only by an espresso and some biscuits 🤣 Did the big breakfast work with the hangover? LOL I'm envious if I get an hangover only lying in my bed save me 🤣😂 I feel old.

Ya the breakfast really helped and a cup of tea, lukozade is usually good too, it's an energy drink. Your breakfast of espresso and some biscuits sounds good by the way, just not when hungover! 😜