in Hive Learners9 months ago

My first hand experience with alcohol was not a good one. Omo, I dey see people drink and get drunk then one day I decided to get a first hand experience. Guess what happened to me that day? Hahaha 😂. That was the very day I know that those that are addicted to drink of alcohol are trying, because you can't be yourself after taking too much of alcohol.


I was just sixteen years old when one of my friend invited me over for a bazaar program in a church. We went and after the bazaar program we decided to go out with some boys. Those boys took us to a very big restaurant and ordered for drinks. Not soft drinks ohh. I couldn't say no to it because everyone seems to be enjoying it. I collected one bottle and forced myself to drink it. Just few minutes after I started seeing everyone double. Hahaha 😂. I didn't know what it looks like, but I managed to control myself for a little time. When we left that place and walked home, I can remember seeing holes everyone and was trying to jump the holes. Hahaha 😂. The more I tried to jump the holes, the more I see more holes to be jumped. I kept moving front and back till one of the guys offered to hold my hand and leas the way. The following day, I couldn't remember much except for the fact that I saw lots of holes on our way back last night. That was the very first time and I never went that route again. If I just took one bottle and could not move properly on the road, imagine if I had taken up to five bottles, I would have ended up in the gutter.


I decided to use what happened to me more than one decade ago to start with so that when I will be making some suggestions it will be understood.

The topic for this week 118, edition 1 says - No more Alcohol. I know for sure that there are damage effect of alcoholism. Alcohol itself may not be bad, because it was produced to serve different purpose. People have just decided to abuse it and use alcohol for their own selfish purposes. I have seen some people who used one or two alcohol as medicine. But not withstanding I am not in support that alcohol should be littered everyone for people to take as they want. Maybe it should be regulated. Like checking to make sure that people don't just take it anyhow and it will at the end course harm to their system.


When one can't do without alcohol in the system, then we should watch out for these:

Heart 💜: there is this increase risk of developing stroke.

brain 🧠: one can easily develop mental health.

Immune system: sometimes it suppress our immune system and not allow it work normally.
Cancer: there is high risk of cancer when we get addicted to alcohol

reproductive system: it can cause infertility. It can also decrease sexual satisfaction and some it affects the menstrual flow.

These are just but a few that we can consider and run away from alcoholism. If we say we want to close down all companies producing alcohol because of some of these reasons, we may end up not achieving our goal because some people will still hide in their inner rooms and still produce alcohol. But we can decide to stop taking it and not have to face some of these problems mentioned above.


My answer is no. Why? Because what brings a change in the society is when the individual have changed themselves. If we have not changed, but only succeeded in closing down the production of alcohol, then we have not done anything. People will still take alcohol wether approved or not. What we need is individuals that have made the decision to do the right thing. Be it in the secret or in the open. I believe that this is what will bring change to our society.

In summary, we buy these alcohol with our hard end money. Why buy what will shorten your lifespan on earth with your money? I don't think that it worth it.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 118 edition 1


Let me laugh small, hehe. Well I can say we all have had our own experience too.

Your suggestion of regulating alcohol consumption rather than outright banning it is a practical approach. Regulating the sale and consumption of alcohol can help mitigate some of the harmful effects associated with excessive drinking, such as the health risks you mentioned like stroke, mental health issues, immune system suppression, cancer, and reproductive problems.

i can imagine you jumping imaginary holes that day.😂😂

Alcohol can have so many negative effects on us as individuals and its not that we don't know about it, we do. The best we can do is advise ourselves and do better

😂 the thing is very harsh and not sweet, it always rearranges the brain and leaves you with rubbish, that is when they will vomit all the secrets in their family without knowing.

Is not that alcohol will give us better results in our body but rather it's damaging a lot of organ system in our body, the funniest part is that the thing is not sweet but rather harsh.