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RE: Greedflation

in #foodlast year

The one that is not getting much air time (at least not yet) is what I have come to think of as "luxuryflation."

You completely drop your budget line out of your product selection, simply take it off the shelves, and replace it with a top of the line premium line so that there no longer IS a $2.50 option, only the new $7.99 option.

Lately, I've been noticing this with pasta sauce in jars, with yogurt, and with certain kinds of bread. Oh, and it's starting with salad dressing, too.


I wasn't aware of this. I have seen $13 jars of pasta sauce and $10 cartons of eggs but where I shop the cheaper options (which really aren't that cheap anymore) are still available. It's really frightening how expensive everything is getting. I feel for those families trying to raise kids in this economy. I just can't imagine how people are pulling it off. Lots of sacrifice probably.