One of my favorite things to celebrate is to go to a good restaurant and eat something delicious.

- Arepa, scrambled eggs and bacon.
- Arepa, huevos revueltos y tocino.

And some mimosas to toast to another month together and in good health. Our breakfast was late, almost 11 in the morning hehe that's why they were already serving the mimosas. Everything was delicious.

We went to dinner at a steak restaurant,🥩 called La Biferia which is THE PERFECT MIX in delicious and comfortable eating, for over twenty years they have worked with locally bred cattle. The mixture of zebu breeds (Brahman) very resistant to the tropics and Bos Taurus (Angus) of European breed, which give the tenderness and marbling necessary for a great cut.
Fuimos a cenar a un restaurante de carnes,🥩 llamado **La Biferia** que es LA MEZCLA PERFECTA en comer delicioso y cómodo, durante más de veinte años han trabajado con razas de ganado localmente. La mezcla de razas cebuinas (Brahman) muy resistentes al trópico y Bos Taurus (Angus) de raza europea, que dan la terneza y el marmóreo necesarias para un gran corte.

We arrived and had to wait about ten minutes to be assigned a table, the place was full, we went in and ordered a pork rinds appetizer, (I didn't have time to take pictures, my son and husband devoured it).

We placed our order for two:
- Bife Ancho (400gr) "Termino 3/4".
- It is a thick cut, with internal fat, composed of the eye of the steak and the top of the chata, it is an exquisite soft and juicy texture one of my favorite cuts, apart from the tip of the haunch. It came with chimichurri and spicy. As a side dish we ordered mashed potatoes with blue cheese and the house salad, lettuce, croutons and parmesan cheese.
- Bife Ancho (400gr)"Termino 3/4"
- Es un corte grueso, con grasa interna, compuesto por el ojo de bife y la tapa de la chata, es una textura suave y jugosa exquisita uno de mis cortes preferidos, aparte de la punta de anca. Venia con chimichurri y picante. De acompañante pedimos puré de papa con queso azul y la ensalada de casa, lechuga crutones y queso parmesano.

I loved the presentation especially the mashed potatoes, we tasted everything was exquisite, the meat with good seasoning, good finish, soft, juicy, I devoured it all hehe, to pass the meal I ordered a lulo juice and my husband his Coca-Cola that he can not miss haha. The service is fast, friendly, the place is very warm and nice and they also have an extensive menu of cuts of meat, burgers and wines, a great place to go with the family.
La presentación me encanto sobre todo la del puré, Degustamos todo estaba en su punto exquisito, la carne con buen sazón, buen termino, suave, jugosa me la devore completa jeje, para pasar la comida me pedí un jugo de lulo y mi esposo su Coca-Cola que no puede faltarle jaja. La atención rápida, amables, el lugar muy cálido y lindo además tienen un menú extenso de cortes de carnes, hamburguesas y vinos, un gran lugar para ir en familia.
We finished and asked for the bill, it was $40 dollars, 150,000 Colombian pesos, with the service included friends, what do you think?
Expensive, economic or accessible?
¿Costoso, económico o accesible?
Thank you for joining me on this day of celebration and delicious food.
Tight hugs from Mi
Gracias por acompañarme en este día de celebración y de comer delicioso.
Abrazos apretaditos de Mi.🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵