Hi #FoodiesBeeHive

Ingredientes 🍽️ Ingredients
Plato Principal
- Media pechuga de pollo (250 gramos)
- Un tallo de puerro (95 gramos)
- Sal
- Mix de especias
- 2 papas (80 gramos)
- 1/2 brócoli (50 gramos)
- 1 Limón (20 gramos)
- 1 Cebolla morada (30 gramos)
- Sal
Main dish
- Half chicken breast (250 grams)
- A stalk of leek (95 grams)
- Salt
- Spice mix
- 2 potatoes (80 grams)
- 1/2 broccoli (50 grams)
- 1 Lemon (20 grams)
- 1 purple onion (30 grams)
- Salt

Preparación 🍽️ Preparation
1er paso
Lavar muy bien el puerro, siempre entre sus hojas se esconde suciedad, quitamos las hojas dejando el tallo y lo cortamos a la mitad, sazonamos con sal y el mix de hierbas que contiene comino, paprica, ajo, laurel, tomillo, perejil, pimienta y cebolla, lo colocamos en una bandeja previamente engrasada con un poco de aceite de oliva llevándolo al horno por 20 minutos o hasta que estén de color marrón para que no se quemen.
1st step
Wash the leek very well, dirt always hides between its leaves, we remove the leaves leaving the stem and cut it in half, season with salt and the herb mix that contains cumin, paprica, garlic, bay leaf, thyme, parsley, pepper and onion, we place it on a tray previously greased with a little olive oil, placing it in the oven for 20 minutes or until they are brown so they do not burn..

2do paso
Adobar la pechuga de pollo con sal y el mix de hierbas la misma utilizada para el puerro dejamos macerar por 20 minutos, luego la llevamos a una sarten para asar 5 minutos por cada lado.
2nd step
Marinade the chicken breast with salt and the same herb mix used for the leek, let it marinate for 20 minutes, then transfer it to a pan to roast for 5 minutes on each side..
3er paso
Retirar del horno el puerro y reservar, les cuento el olor es delicioso ya quería comérmelo jeje.
3rd step
Remove the leek from the oven and set aside, I tell you, the smell is delicious and I wanted to eat it hehe.
Preparación de la Ensalada
Green Salad Preparation
Wash and peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes and cook in boiling salted water for 20 minutes. While this cooking lasts, we wash and cut the broccoli along with the onion. After 20 minutes, we add the broccoli next to the saucepan where the potato for 5 more minutes.
We place the onion in a cup and add the lemon juice so that it macerates.
Finally, we remove the potato and broccoli from the heat, remove the excess water and add it to the onion and lemon juice, adjust the salt and our salad is ready.
Momento de emplatar🍽️Time to plate
Time to make magic hehe, with all our preparations we are going to plate it on a nice square black plate so that the colors of these ingredients stand out, slice the breast and only place a portion of the leek, I hope you like it as much as I do..
Hoy almorcé delicioso me encanto este menú, el puerro quedo suave, se caramelizo con sus mismos jugos las hierbas le dieron un sabor y olor divinamente exquisito, el pollo super jugoso y con gran sabor y ese dorado que me encanta, la ensalada estupenda lo suave de la papa, lo crujiente del brócoli y la cebolla fresca todo unido con la acidez del limón es una explosión de sabor a mi paladar que quería más de esta ensalada amigos. ¿Qué opinan de esta idea le gusta, la prepararían ustedes amigos?
Today I had a delicious lunch, I loved this menu, the leek was soft, it caramelized with its own juices, the herbs gave it a divinely exquisite flavor and smell, the chicken was super juicy and with great flavor and that golden brown that I love, the salad was wonderfully soft of the potato, the crunch of the broccoli and the fresh onion all together with the acidity of the lemon is an explosion of flavor to my palate that wanted more of this salad friends. What do you think about this idea? Do you like it? Would you friends prepare it?.
Todas las fotografías son originales y tomadas con mi Redmi Note10S.
All photos are original and taken with my Redmi Note10S.