Hola #FoodiesBeeHive
Buenas Noches y feliz inicio de Fin de Semana, para finalizar esta semana compartiré con ustedes esta idea Numero 5 de almuerzos bajos en carbohidratos se trata de una Deliciosa Hamburguesa acompañada de unos deliciosos vegetales, una mayonesa casera y un cremoso puré de papas para sustituir las papas fritas jeje, los fines de semana es para comer delicioso y darnos gusto comiendo lo que más nos gusta en mi caso las hamburguesas y lo hare de forma saludable amigos ¿me acompañan?
Good Night and happy start to the Weekend, to end this week I will share with you this idea number 5 of low carbohydrate lunches, it is a Delicious Burger accompanied by some delicious vegetables, a homemade mayonnaise and a creamy mashed potato. potatoes to replace the fries hehe, on the weekends it is to eat delicious and indulge ourselves by eating what we like the most, in my case hamburgers and I will do it in a healthy way friends, will you join me?

Ingredientes 🍽️ Ingredients
- 250 gramos de Carne Molida
- 200 gramos de Papas
- 1 Cebolla
- 3 Tomates
- 2 Ajos
- 1/2 Aguacate
- 50 gramos de Lechuga
- 2 lonjas de queso mozzarella
- 2 lonjas de Jamón
- Sal y Pimienta
Mayonesa - 50 gramos de Cilantro
- 3 Ajos
- 1 Huevo
- 200 ml Aceite
- Sal
- 250 grams of Ground Meat
- 200 grams of Potatoes
- 1 onion
- 3 Tomatoes
- 2 Garlic
- 1/2 Avocado
- 50 grams of Lettuce
- 2 slices of mozzarella cheese
- 2 slices of Ham
- Salt and pepper
Mayonnaise - 50 grams of Coriander
- 3 Garlics
- 1 egg
- 200 ml Oil
- Salt

Preparación 🍽️ Preparation
Lo primero que haremos será sazonar la carne, pelando los ajos y cortamos finamente para agregarlos a la carne, junto a la sal y la pimienta y dejamos reposar por diez minutos.
The first thing we will do is season the meat, peeling the garlic and cutting it finely to add it to the meat, along with the salt and pepper and let it rest for ten minutes..
To make the mashed potatoes, we wash them and cut them into small cubes, cooking them for 20 minutes. After the time, we remove the excess water and process with the help of a fork until they are all processed and their texture is creamy. Reserve the mashed potatoes..
When making the burger, we take a portion of the meat, shape it into a round shape and put it in the pan. When it reduces in size, we turn it over and cook for 2 minutes on each side.
Later we add the cheese until it melts and finally the ham and remove from the heat.
I made the onion caramelized to give a different touch to my burger, I washed it and cut it into slices, to cook it with a little oil and salt, cover it so that it cooks more with steam, when it changes color and you notice When cooking, add a small spoon of sugar and let it cook over low heat for 10 minutes..
En la licuadora agregamos el huevo y dejamos batir por 1 minuto, posteriormente agregamos el aceite en forma de hilo, esta va ir espesando y cambiando de color, por ultimo agregamos el cilantro lavado, el ajo, la sal y unas gotas de vinagre procesamos por 4 minutos y esta lista nuestra exquisita mayonesa
In the blender we add the egg and let it beat for 1 minute, then we add the oil in the form of a thread, it will thicken and change color, finally we add the washed cilantro, garlic, salt and a few drops of vinegar and process by 4 minutes and our exquisite mayonnaise is ready
Finally we wash the lettuce, the tomato, cutting it into slices and the avocado, all our ingredients are ready to assemble our delicious burger.
Momento de emplatar🍽️Time to plate
The base of our burger will be the lettuce that will make the bun, we place the tomato then the meat with the cheese and ham, then the mayonnaise, finally the caramelized onion, the avocado and another layer of lettuce, and more mayonnaise, with We will make the mashed potatoes into stars hehe so that it looks more flirty and that's it.
Deliciosa esta hamburguesa nada que envidiarle a otra, las papas fritas con las que se acostumbra acompañar no hicieron falta porque el puré estaba exquisito cremoso y de un sabor único a amigos, la mayonesa super rica su sabor picante que le da el ajo exquisito va con la carne y los vegetales, la cebolla caramelizada realza el sabor completamente de esta preparación, la carne quedo jugosa me encanto de verdad que una de mis recetas favoritas.
This burger was delicious, nothing to envy of any other, the fries with which it is usually accompanied were not necessary because the puree was exquisitely creamy and had a unique flavor, friends, the mayonnaise was super rich, its spicy flavor given by the exquisite garlic goes with the meat and vegetables, the caramelized onion completely enhances the flavor of this preparation, the meat was juicy, I really loved it as one of my favorite recipes.
Todas las fotografías son originales y tomadas con mi Redmi Note10S.
All photos are original and taken with my Redmi Note10S.