Rima: A Community With a Human Touch.

in The Ink Well9 months ago

The Ibiza land is a vast area of land that is very fertile for farming. Most people do not own lands there except those that come from the lineage of Diego, the great hunter of the village who deforested the vast area during his hunting expedition centuries ago. The descendants, like their progenitor, do not dispose lands by way of sale. They are also agrarian in nature.


Diego's descendants pride themselves as the ones contributing to over sixty percent of food consumed in the tiny island enclave of Rima. Due to how fertile that area of land is, most people strive to get even a portion for farming, mostly on pledge.

Alex, a grandson of Diego is also a well known farmer in Rima. He specializes on cocoa farming. He also interplants it with plantains. His area of land within the Ibiza land is well distinct as his cash crops stands out from the rest of the farms thereat.

Felix, a well known land grabber within the Rima people surreptitiously acquired a portion of land close to the plantation of Alex. Soon he begins to expand the area to encroach farther into the area already in possession of Alex. This act led to series of problems as to boundaries between Alex and Felix which spans many years. Many people saw this as a harbinger of a larger problem if not checked and resolved as soon as possible.

One morning, Alex, in his usual and routine visit to his plantation to have a look at his plantains met Felix making further incursions into his own territory of the plantation. Series of altercations ensued between the duo which almost led to fist blows if not for the presence of passersby who had to physically restrain the them.

"I think this land issue between Alex and Felix is getting out of hand", said Oma as they were leaving the disputed area. "I think so my brother. The community leaders should step in now and see a way to resolve this perennial issue", Rex concurs.

That evening the two friends, Oma and Rex went to the house of their paramount ruler, Ruskin, and narrated to him how they averted a bloodshed that would have occured that morning at Ibiza land if not that they were passing by when the melee ensued. Ruskin listened carefully and promised to use the community powers to resolve the issue once and for all so that it does not snowball into a crisis that may tear apart their loving and peaceful agrarian community.

The next day, an emergency of the Rima people was summoned. The major issue for discussion was the perennial land dispute between Alex and Felix. Both parties were given opportunity to talk with each narrating to the gathering how he got his own portion of land thereat. And after listening to them, the executive council of the Rima community retired into a close session in their inner chambers to brainstorm on the possible better and amicable way to resolve the issue without each party feeling undone.

"I think we have to involve the government at the centre to step in and take that area of land for a community project", Ruskin, the community paramount ruler said. "I will also impress it on them to compensate both parties equally which will be enough to assuage their feelings", he concluded. "My leader, you have suggested well", Kingsley, the council secretary opines. The community council then resolved there and then to write the government to intervene and acquire the disputed area without further delay.

Alex and Felix were them called in with each very eager to hear what the resolution of the community council will be. "Gentlemen, I thank you all for cooperating and trusting the community to step in and resolve this lingering land issue", Ruskin, the paramount ruler said. "But before I tell you both the resolution of the community, Alex and Felix, I hope both of you will accept in good faith our honest assessment and decision". At first, Felix was hesitant, but after thinking aloud, he agreed. Alex had no problem to agree. Ruskin then began, "Yes, I am proud of both of you my kinsmen. The community will not take any decision that will be adverse or prejudicial to both of you. Trust us on that, ok". He looked intently at both parties, the other community members urging him to continue as he is speaking their minds.

Ruskin paused, then continued, "My brothers, it is our resolution to invite the government to come and acquire that disputed area of Ibiza land for a community project that will be of general use. Both of you will be compensated adequately which will enable you seek alternative farms also within the Ibiza area of land to relocate your farms. That's our humble resolution". There was a general applause within the gathering immediately Ruskin finished saying the resolution of the community. But at first both parties tend to refuse the decision but after more explanations from Ruskin they accepted and there was joy within the gathering with both waring parties embracing each other before the community council.

This is my participation in "The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #150: Resolution" Please check out the announcement post HERE if you want to join the contest.


This story reminds one of the story about King Solomon and the two mothers who laid claim to a baby. Solomon decided that conflict wisely, and Ruskin came to an equally wise resolution between the two rival landowners. The land in dispute would be common land, and then no one could complain and the whole community would benefit. Land grabber Felix would have no incentive to grab land anymore.

This was a good application of the Resolution prompt, @alovely088.

Thank you for sharing this with us!

Thanks for your kind words. Yes, Ruskin, as a paramount ruler and also like King Solomon of the Bible, applied wisdom to the situation and with right counsel, was able to resolve the perennial conflict. This is what most of our present leaders lack.

Ruskin played a good role of an elder statesman by finding a nice way to resolve the lingering land dispute between Alex and Felix. The community council also played a key role too. That's how things supposed to be. Nice story friend @alovely088

Yes, he did well as their paramount ruler. These days some of our leaders lack leadership skills let alone applying same properly. Thanks for stopping by

You must be killin' it out here!
@alovely088 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @amakauz.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


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