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RE: Animalistic Attention

in Reflections8 months ago

From the age of 6-7, a stage begins in which children ask questions about everything, they are extremely curious about everything and “bombard” their parents with all kinds of questions. This is the school age, precisely the age of little Smallsteps. Be prepared, as this is only the beginning.

Phases of the information process. UX Design

Attention is the ability to select information in the face of different stimuli and/or processes as defined by psychology. Sometimes this process is automatic, and sometimes our attention is focused on solving a problem.

Within psychology, the branch that studies attention is called attention psychology. This branch of psychology studies the mechanisms involved in both automatic and problem-solving processes.


From the age of 6-7, a stage begins in which children ask questions about everything, they are extremely curious about everything and “bombard” their parents with all kinds of questions.

Questions started far earlier. Her first words were under one, by 1.5 she was answering questions in Finnish and English from a neurologist. She has a bit of a language gift, so the questions came naturally. Plus, we have been talking "together" since birth, and have continued on ever since. I think that it is also that her attention hasn't been stolen by a TV or a screen, so she explores her physical world and observes people more.

We are killing curiosity in kids, by stealing their attention from them because it is more convenient for us.