A few months ago, while sorting through my mom's things, I remember that I found a newspaper library that she made with old magazines and I kept it in case I needed the information that was in it. We are talking about publications from about 70 years ago, which were in black and white or sepia color.

For those who do not know what a newspaper library is, it has several meanings, in this case we refer to the grouping of publications compiled from various magazines or newspapers, on a specific topic.
"The newspaper library consists of a place where all kinds of periodical publications of the written press are stored and classified, and archived for consultation. It also refers to the collection of newspapers, journals, and magazines organized in a specific document.“ (Wikipedia - The Newspaper Library)

My mom used to build libraries on many subjects she liked, and physical exercise was one of them. She took care of her figure excessively, from training to the way she ate. In those times when there was no internet or TV, magazines were the only source of information to follow tips on how to exercise the body, and even beauty tips, massages, and many other things for the woman of that time.

I don't think there were places to go to train either, so women trained alone in their homes, or with some friends. The truth is that I never asked my mom about those details, but what I am sure of is that since I can remember, and until I was quite a few years old, my mom religiously did her training session every day in the morning, then she took a bath, and sat down to have breakfast quietly in front of her TV, and she told me that she had done so all her life to maintain her figure.

In these months that I have dedicated myself to this task of training more for my health than as a hobby, all the topics about it, call my attention, and I tell you that the content of mom's newspaper library, not only is interesting, but it coincides with many of the routines that I practice in my class.

I have also kept my mother's exercise guides and her manuals for knitting, embroidery and handicrafts. She created her own magazines by cutting out what she liked from newspapers and variety magazines. In that way, she created a sort of newspaper library with everything she wanted to have on hand.

I love to keep these treasures of antiquity, so that years later I can make a comparison with today.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy start of the week to all, I wish you a wonderful day.

The Newspaper Library - Wikipedia

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