The 24-hour challenge; Food vs Phone

in HiveGhanalast year

I know very well that many people will find picking a side very difficult when asked this question. While most of them will be torn apart between these two worlds, others would rather not answer this question. I feel like the majority of people will choose their phones, especially in a world now where phones have turned into gods.

But, I didn't even think twice, in fact, I couldn't, when this thought once crossed my mind, even before given as a topic to write on. My mind automatically chose food. I didn't have a choice to think, just spontaneously, food was chosen.


Why did I even choose food, let's weigh both sides (talking from a personal perspective)
First of all, what at all will I use my phone for?? calls?? texts?? or scroll through social media?? No oo, I hardly go to social media. I don't even have the most common apps like X Instagram or TikTok on my phone. And who is going to call me?? My dad or who??

The only texts I receive are daily devotionals from my mum and texts from our class group since I'm in school. Then some of one or two texts from some friends.
I can go without all these for 24 hours. Besides I have a laptop so that's not a big deal.


Now to food. How can you go without food for 24 whole hours? Even fasting when you put your mind to it see how sometimes you suffer. Going without food for just a few hours can change your mood for the worse. Everyone becomes annoying, even your favourite person.

The least noise gets to you. Sometimes even hearing someone talk or laugh sounds like noise in your ears and pierces your heart.
Again, your tummy will not let you rest. It will keep on rumbling till it feels heard.
You won't be able to think straight. Almost everything you decide to say may be nonsense. You'll be talking and not know what you're even saying.
Last last, you might collapse.


So see, there's no reason why I'd take my phone over food. Well, maybe some people can go without food but I can never be a part of those people. In fact, seize my phone for the whole week, just give me some good food, and we'll be good.


Am with you o.
Cease my phone, give me all my favorite food and a book.. Omo am good to go...for 3 days sha😁

🤣🤣tell them ooo