A bit difficult.... weekly-engagement #44.

in HiveGhana11 months ago

Pleasant greetings everyone!

While learning something new might be a piece of cake for some persons, others need a slow and thorough repititive illustratuons before they get it. I usually pride myself in being among the first category of persons who require minimal teachings befall understanding something. In fact, all I need to do is watch closely and soon I'll get it.

That one difficulty

I have been wanting to learn to drive a car for a long time now. This yearning has been brewing in me since secondary school days. The simple thought if been able to convey myself comfortably from one place to another fueled this yearning a lot but alas!, It was cut short when our family driver drove under the influence of alcohol and smashed the car beyond repair.

photo by Jeshootscom

I had no choice but to stall that desire waiting for an opportunity time. Now that I'm an adult, I decided to revive my dream by going to a driving school to learn how to drive, I mean how hard can it be?

To my treat shock, the driving instructors first sentence to me was..

"Are you ready to be mad?"

Seeing the confused look on my face, he then explained "that once a person is behind the wheels, he or she literally becomes a mad person because all road users are mad". I didn't find that statement funny at all and I should have known then and there that it would be quite difficult for me to learn to drive because his words have destabilized my mindset but I went ahead and paid the first installment and thus began a not so pleasant adventure.

Maybe it was the instructor or maybe it was my fear of being labelled "mad"or yet maybe the car had a grudge against me, all I knew was that I could not move beyond starting the car. It was a manual car needing keys to start it.

Believe me guys, I paid close attention to all of his movements while he drove the car and explained necessary pointers but Immediately we switched positions and I take the driver's seat, my oh my I freeze and can only start the vehicle.

photo by Hassan Ouajbir

The not so patient instructor kept telling me "it will be fine" every time. I would have appreciated it if had called off the class and refunded my money but no, he obviously wanted my distress to drag on by indulging me daily. I knew it was time to stop this ridicule the day I decided to be braver than I already was. I started the car, put the gear to 1 then pressed my foot on the accelerator and suddenly the car jerked like a child having convulsions. Almost immediately, I jerked backwards abandoning the steering wheel and whatever my foot was placed on.

The instructors laughter brought me back to earth from wherever I traveled to. All the deities in my village received a swear word that day for sure, for allowing me to humiliate myself 🙄. The instructor was like "sister, go and rest and let's try again another time". I knew that was the hint to stay away and I have stayed away for five years now.

If you know that you can confidently teach me how to drive, let me know in the comments section.

Thank you all for reading..shalom.


What kind of statement is that please
I'm not ready to be mad abeg, I just want to learn how to drive a car😂

Well, some things could be quite tasking but I never expected driving to be one of them

Most times, it's not the skill to driving that's always the problem but rather the courage to step into the road

Well, one day you'll still drive, I'm sure

One day.... I will drive. Thank you dearly

Hope you are still flexing your Sunday?😜

Me that is inside one village in Nsukka like that 😂

So???? Does that stop your flexing😜

I'm new here ni... Can't flex where I don't know 😂

😂😂 alright, take care.

You're welcome dear

Knowing how to drive is actually a necessity. It was really brave of you try learning. Even though it may be difficult in the first place but with time you’ll get better. We actually hope you bring us some surprise news of you being a driver soon.

I hope so too, thank you

I'm among the family of slow and thorough repetitive illustrations before they get it😂

But with learning how to drive, it was like I was born with that ability 😂
Don't know if it's was the excitement or the fact my teacher was more nice or encouraging than yours
And not everybody behind the wheel are mad . I turned out okey 😁

Oh before I forget
I can confidently teach you how to drive ☺️

I'm glad you turned out okay, well done.

Thank you for offering to teach me how to drive, I appreciate you.

The instructor wasn't much of a good instructor. It seems he's not so good at it.

But sooner or later, I think you should find the courage and face that driving until you get it. You'll feel a great sense of accomplishment afterwards

I will but not soon though,😂😂😂. I don't want to be mad😃🤣🤣🤣

Thank you dearly for your feedback

Well, I have to agree with the driver asking if you were ready to be mad because you can't navigate through Naija roads without being mad especially in Lagos street, hehehe.

It's a pity I equally ditched the urge to drive due to the fear of heavy trailers and tankers that ply the road, if not I would have gladly thought you how to drive.

That one also scared me, all those tankers and trailers...chai! I can't deal abeg.

Thank you sis, trust your Sunday is going well 😁

Yeah, it is

Hahahaha 🤣. You are very funny. I don't think I can teach you ohh. I also need someone to teach me how to drive. So, please be fast so that I can learn from you.
Thanks for sharing

🤣🤣🤣, thank you ma, we are in the same boat. No worries, once I learn how to drive a I will come and teach you too.

I'm with u in this game. U have always wanted to drive a car since my brothers drove my father's car effortlessly,it was so serious that I registered driving as my skill acquisition course in the university.
Learning how to drive a car is one thing then fear is another, I pray I get a good instructor when I go for my classes,when I'm done I'll gladly be your instructor 🤗

I pray you get a good instructor too. Thank you so much

It's not everyone that will own a jet
It's not everyone that will own a car.
It's not everyone that will one a bike.

This same thing goes to practice and perfection in them.

If you can't get along with car, please settle with bicycle.



@beckyroyal! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (3/20)

🤣🤣🤣, chai Kingsley, see as you relegate me to bicycle....
What I do to you?