Cooking outdoors; Herring layers with cassava and bone soup and beef short rib with smoked pork bone 🍵🥘🍲 (Eng - Esp)

in Qurator6 months ago (edited)

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Greetings friends, lovers of food and good taste, God bless you, I hope you are enjoying good health and have a happy and blessed day with your loved ones; this weekend taking advantage that there are still a few days of vacation to start the new school year, we went with a group of friends to a beautiful field to enjoy the contact with nature and bathe in the river that by the way had crystal clear and cold water, in my country we have the habit of making soup outdoors when we go to the river, going to the river is synonymous of eating a delicious and thick soup, this day was no exception and we prepared a rich soup of beef rib and smoked pork bones, also a delicious appetizer; crispy herring layers with cassava, the food was very good and we all enjoyed this delight as we left the river, this will be my entry to Qurator's: Hive Top Chef: Cooked Outdoors.


Saludos amigos amantes de la comida y el buen sabor, que Dios les bendiga, deseo se encuentren disfrutando de buena salud y tengan un feliz y bendecido día en unión de sus seres queridos; el fin de semana aprovechando que aún quedan pocos días de vacaciones para iniciar el nuevo año escolar, fuimos con un grupo de amigos a un hermoso campo para disfrutar el contacto con la naturaleza y bañarnos en el río que por cierto tenía el agua cristalina y fría, en mi país tenemos la costumbre de hacer sopa al aire libre cuando vamos al río, ir al río es sinónimo de comer una deliciosa y espesa sopa, este día no fue la excepción y preparamos una rica sopa de costilla de res y huesos de cochino ahumado, también un delicioso aperitivo; capas de arenque crujientes con casabe,la comida quedó muy buena y todos disfrutamos esta delicia al salir del río, esta será mi entrada al Qurator's: Hive Top Chef: Cooked Outdoors.

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7 kilos of assorted vegetables (auyama, ocumo chino, corn, sweet potato, yucca and ocumo blanco)
Chili (2.5 kg)
Herring in layer (5 kg)
Garlic (3 heads)
Cilantro (100 gr)
Rib and bone of beef (5 kg)
Smoked pork bone (2 kg)
Corn flour
Salt to taste.


7 kilos de verdura surtida (auyama, ocumo chino, maíz, batata, yuca y ocumo blanco)
Ají (2,5 kg)
Arenque en capa (5 kg)
Ajo (3 cabezas)
Culantro (100 gr)
Costilla y hueso de res(5 kg)
Hueso de cochino ahumado (2 kg)
Harina de maíz
Sal al gusto.

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When we arrived at the field we brought down the utensils and ingredients, then we installed the canister on the stove, turned on the flame and took the pan to the fire, washed the layers of herring and fried them over medium heat turning every five (5) or three (3) minutes to make them crispy, with cassava they are a delicious and crunchy appetizer.


Al llegar al campo bajamos los utensilios e ingredientes, luego se instaló la bombona al fogón de hornillas, se prendió la flama y llevamos la sartén al fuego, lavamos las capas de arenque y se frieron a fuego medio volteando cada cinco (5) o tres (3) minutos para que queden crujientes, con casabe son un delicioso y crocante aperitivo.

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To make the soup, remove the shells and seeds from the vegetables, wash with plenty of water and chop.

Para hacer la sopa retiramos las conchas y semillas de los vegetales, lavamos con abundante agua y cortamos.

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Once the vegetables are washed, cut the bones, add abundant water and wash the same as the vegetables.

Lavados los vegetales, cortamos los huesos agregamos abundante agua y lavamos al igual que los vegetales.

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Then add in the pot with enough water, salt to taste and let it cook over high heat for about forty (40) minutes, rectify the salt, add the corn flour buns, let it cook for twelve (12) or fifteen (15) minutes more over medium heat, remove and a delicious soup is ready.

Luego agregamos en la olla con suficiente agua, sal al gusto y dejamos en cocción a fuego alto durante aproximadamente cuarenta (minutos), rectificamos la sal, agregamos los bollos de harina de maíz, se deja en cocción durante doce (12) o quince (15) minutos más a fuego medio, retiramos y ya está lista una deliciosa sopa.

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The soup was very good, also thick as I like it, nothing better than a delicious meal when leaving the river to replenish energy and share with friends.

La sopa quedó muy buena, además espesa como me gusta, nada mejor que una deliciosa comida al salir del río para reponer energía y compartir con amigos.

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Translated with

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              All images are my own, dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.

   Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, divisores cortesía de  @kattycrochet.

Hi @belkyscabrera, well done with preparing such a delicious meal outdoors! There's something about outdoor cooking that somehow makes the meal tastier.
I'd love a helping of both!

Hello @lizelle, in Venezuela we have the habit of preparing soup when we go to the river, and the heat is intense and there is nothing better than a dip in the cold waters to cool off; is
True, outdoor food has a different flavor and even better when it is cooked with firewood, I love that unique and delicious flavor.

In the east of the country, due to its coastal location, people eat a lot of herring and typical dishes whose main ingredients come from the sea; The soup is a delicious mix of flavors that my friend's mother calls everything
