Always Watch And Pray When The Feeling Comes.

in The Kingdom7 months ago

Whenever you go to a place and you begin to feel this uneasy feeling within you all of a sudden, then you have to be serious and conscious of such situations.


Never joke with a sudden feeling that comes upon you as a Christian, because you are prophetic. When you suddenly feel that way in a location, it is the Holy Spirit trying to communicate to you that it is time to leave.

Acts 16:18


Apostle Paul was with a lady for days, The Bible says "suddenly he felt uneasy in his spirit". And he looked at the lady, laid hands on her and demons left the lady. Apostle Paul did not see a vision, he did not hear a word, he just felt this uneasy feeling.

God can speak to you through your emotions. It is the sensory dimension of the prophetic. And as you follow the leadings of the spirit, you will be shocked that nothing will be happening to you unaware.

Be conscious, be at alert, because you are prophetic in Christ, and He always speaks through you. You should not trivial any form of sign that you notice within you, God works in a mysterious ways, and he can use you to act mysteriously.

Stay Blessed.