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RE: Controversial Much.... weekend-engagement #193

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago

Props to you for having the courage to voice your opinion! I still have trouble with that sometimes 😅

When I was in university a little over a decade ago, we studied Arabic language and literature but in addition to that, we also dug into that aspect of the life in some of the more traditional countries in the Middle East. We were surprised to learn that polygamy was still something very commonly practiced over there.
I completely agree with your point of view. There's a lot of selfishness that goes into making that choice. I also don't understand why men are viewed as weak if they dedicate themselves to one woman only - the worst is that you will hear this all over the world. I can speak for Bulgaria mostly as I grew up there and noticed how boys/ men would congratulate themselves for being able to score side chicks while in a relationship.
Let's not forget the double standard that also plays a huge role or the fact that men put their wives/ gfs in danger of contracting some STDs...

Fingers crossed things change in the future.


I'm also with you on this as well.

Thanks for your contribution