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RE: Making Sense with Magical Realism - Dreem-WoTW S3 R5

in Scholar and Scribelast year

When I think magical realism the names that pop up in my mind are giants, like Salman Rushdie, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, etc. It will be quite interesting to see if I can try my hand in their playground :)


Do give it a bash, Brij, even if not in time for the prompt! I find it liberating as a writer to tackle new writing challenges and grow from the experience.

I will Sam. I did not try to rush it yesterday but it is not a seed in my mind. The reality is that fiction itself frightens me a bit. I read all the wonderful work here and get even more frightened. So it is a fear I need to handle soon :D Maybe March is the month :)

hehe I understand. Maybe start with the freewriter community and their 5 minute prompts?

Maybe. Though it might be more fundamental than that ... Just here in last two to three weeks I have heard of at least 3 people say they have a story in their head. And when I try to think my head is full of others stories :D
I think i need to invert the consumption : creation balance in me :D
With the prompts I might be able to cheat out a para or two but a story, even a short story, not so sure.

I wish CWH was in my mornings, and not in middle of my work evening :D Maybe journaling in that environment would help :)

Still, will work on it. Let's see how it goes. Also feel like revisiting Marquez :)

You know, I have never read Rushdie or Marquez, perhaps I am missing a trick and a treat here :-) Any personal recommendations?

Salman Rushdie, many people I respect really love his works. I have yet to read him. Am a bit intimidated. Gabriel Marquez was one of my true ‘fiction ‘ books as I generally read pulp and fantasy. I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked it though I am sure I did not understand it fully. Planning to reread him soon.