As I said in the previous post, this time I will share a traditional cake recipe from the leftover dough from the onde-onde cake that I made earlier.
This cake has always been my favorite. Because it tastes very savory and fatty. But what makes this cake special is the sugar that protects the outside of this cake. Are you curious about the cake I will make this time?
Kemplang Cassava + Coconut with White Sugar Sauce
With the same taste as yesterday's onde onde, but with a different sensation. The taste of this traditional cake is very unique. because of the taste of sweet potato and coconut which are savory and salty. and do you see how shiny the outer layer of white sugar covers this cake. And yes, this is a characteristic of the traditional cake that I made this time.
Let's go straight to the ingredients we need.
- 1 kg sweet potato
- 1 coconut (here I use grated coconut)
- 1 tbsp salt
-1 packet vanilla
White sugar ingredients:
- 100 grams of white sugar
- 50 ml water
- 5 tbsp cooking oil
The first thing we have to do is clean the cassava from its outer skin and then wash it clean.
- After that, prepare a traditional grater that will make this cassava dough more distinctive, grate the cassava until smooth.
- After the cassava is finished being grated, then strain and squeeze using a very thin cloth. Squeeze all the cassava until it produces cassava water.
Then let the cassava water stand until it will produce starch from the cassava.
- The squeezed cassava dough, put it in a large bowl. Then add grated coconut, salt and vanilla powder and stir until evenly distributed throughout
_ as I mentioned in the post about making onde onde, because the ingredients I made yesterday were too many. So I divided it into 2 parts.
The first part yesterday I made for traditional brown sugar onde onde cake. And this time I will make another traditional cake. With the same initial method but very different from making onde onde
- After all the ingredients have been mixed and divided into 2, then we immediately form it. Here I form the dough into a flat oval.
- Then prepare oil in a frying pan with medium heat. Fry all the dough until golden brown.
- After all the cake dough is cooked. We can move on to the kemplang clothes.
Dissolve the sugar with water in a pan over low heat. Cook until the sugar melts and the water reduces. Then add 5 tablespoons of cooking oil. Stir until evenly distributed.
Then add the cake that we fried earlier. Then stir everything until the sugar is evenly distributed in the cake
The cake is ready to be served.
Wow, this cake is very crunchy because of the sugar coat that covers this traditional cake. And yes, for your information, this cake has many versions with different ingredients. The one I made this time is the traditional version without flour.
Hello.. greetings from me, an amateur writer. Nisa.