Monomad: My dear missing kitty

in Black And White8 months ago

Hello friends,

About a year ago I saw Pelota for the last time. A beautiful stray cat that I gradually tamed with love.

She appeared in the garden very scared between a cloth and a box where lettuce was planted.

With love we were feeding her and she was growing, although with a breathing problem that had no possible treatment.

Over the months she was growing and giving me funny moments when she knew when I was taking pictures or making a video.

The love for her was not only from me, but also my mother, who is not very animal friendly, became very fond of her and in fact this is the last picture of Pelota before she disappeared a year ago.

Wherever you are, she continues to brighten up the cats' sky.


Sorry to hear that Pelato dissapeared. Hopefully she give somebody else love and sunshine now

So be it.

Awww, I Hope wherever she is right now, she is okay and alive. She's a beautiful one who wouldn't feel in love with her.

I doubt she could be alive.

She's so lovely, I wish she is okay.