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RE: Back to Work

in WorkLife9 months ago

Slow days at work make up for the days that things are insane haha so I wouldn’t feel too bad about it! I enjoy these days and always try to take it slow when you can. Cleaning up the work area is something I’ll be doing today for sure, my desk is at home since that’s where I work from but it has gotten cluttered quite a bit!

I actually like working in these slower days and don’t typically take them off since it’s nice to get other stuff done and have a bit of a breather before the craziness kicks back up.


That is true it nice to kick back but the boredom got the best of me when I became alone. It's nice to have others there so you can at least shoot the shit to say. Being at home working is a bit different than going in. I only work from home every once in awhile. When I do and it's slow I get a lot of things done around the house.