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RE: Stragedy - Not a word, but now it is

in Galenkp's Stuff6 months ago

It’s funny the little man was just asking me the other day how do we get to decide on what a word is and isn’t. I forget the exact context but I think it was something along the lines of blue and book, how both have the “oo” sound but have different spellings and it was dumb lol.

I like this new term and it sounds like it was definitely the case. Good strategy and a tragedy after all was said and done. Sucks man!


The English language is a funny one, a mixture of so many others; language itself is quite interesting I think, how it has developed and and the influences that made that happen in history and all.

I think you know fuckzactly what I mean.

(That's my word too, a combination of fuck and exactly, used when one wants to vigorously agree.) 😉

Hahah I remember fuckzactly and my phone does too, it autocorrects to it now which is a testament to its power.

Haha, that's gold! I usually don't like phones autocorrecting me, but if it's for a cool made up word it's ok by me!