Hello to all @foodiesbeehive friends and foodies, you are all welcome to my blog.
Today I bring to you the preparation of a succulent ground beef.
In our house in particular we used to prepare ground beef with the seasonings liquefied; but for some time now the preparation has changed because we think it has a better flavor and of course a better texture, with the finely chopped vegetables...although my daughters find it a little difficult to feel the seasonings in the food.
Ingredientes / Ingredients
- 400gr de carne molida
- 1 cebolla mediana
- 1/2 pimentón rojo
- 1/2 pimentón verde
- 1 ramita de perejil
- 2 cucharadas de salsa de tomate
- 1/2 cucharadas de azúcar
- 1/2 taza de agua
- 4 granos de arroz
- 400gr ground beef
- 1 medium onion
- 1/2 red bell pepper
- 1/2 green bell pepper
- 1 sprig of parsley
- 2 tablespoons tomato sauce
- 1/2 tablespoon sugar
- 1/2 cup water
- 4 grains of rice
Chop all the seasonings into small squares including the parsley.
Paso 1
We take a saucepan and we take it to the fire, we add a drizzle of oil and when it is hot we also add the ground beef and we let it cook for about 3 minutes until it turns brown, which indicates that it is already fried.
Paso 2
Then add the seasoning to sauté with the meat for about 3 minutes more.
Paso 3
Add the spices, salt, seasoning, a little color and cook for 2 more minutes over low heat.
Paso 4
Meanwhile we prepare our sauce with a dash of tomato sauce, half a teaspoon of sugar, 1/4 cup of water; mix and pour over the meat.
Paso 5
We let it cook for 2 minutes and that's it; our meat was this juicy.
I accompanied it with a long white pasta, grated Parmesan cheese, parsley to taste, banana slices and a delicious melon juice.
Espero hayan disfrutado de mi receta, si llegaste hasta aquí gracias por leer; nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad.
Texto de mi autoría.
Fotos tomadas con mi teléfono Samsung A20.
Editor de imágenes Canva y Picsart
Traductor utilizado DeepL.
Text by me.
Photos taken with my Samsung A20 phone.
Image editor Canva and Picsart
Translator used DeepL.