I love interesting beers so I thought it fitting to crack those open for #beersaturday This is a Pączki stout brewed with dozens of raspberry Pączki.
Sin/Repent/Repeat is brewed by a smaller brewery called Griffin Claw that has grown over the years. They started os 2010 Birmingham Michigan and now they have 2 production breweries and distribution though out Michigan.
I actually picked this beer off the shelf brocade of the can art not the brew itself. I actually did even look at the style or flavor profile before purchasing it. So to my surprise I was extremely happy that it was a stout. With the in Michigan turning on the Siberian tundra I wanted something a bit heavier.
This beer is a sweet stout with notes of fruit. The medium bodied with an interesting nose. The nose and flavor profile are very similar and true to a traditional milk stout.
I ended up sipping on this one for over an hour and like with most stout I liked the flavor as the beer warmed. Stouts are always better warmer. IPAs and lagers are best cold but a 56F stout just has so many more complex the open with the warmer temperatures. I should probably do a whole post on proper beer temperatures and glassware to optimize you drinking experience, but I’ll leave it alone for now.
I will however pat myself on the back for getting two beersaturday post out in a row. I’m glad to be back in the community and regularly posting. Enjoy the and stay frost crew.