Donut Beer!

in #beersaturday2 months ago

I love interesting beers so I thought it fitting to crack those open for #beersaturday This is a Pączki stout brewed with dozens of raspberry Pączki.

Sin/Repent/Repeat is brewed by a smaller brewery called Griffin Claw that has grown over the years. They started os 2010 Birmingham Michigan and now they have 2 production breweries and distribution though out Michigan.


I actually picked this beer off the shelf brocade of the can art not the brew itself. I actually did even look at the style or flavor profile before purchasing it. So to my surprise I was extremely happy that it was a stout. With the in Michigan turning on the Siberian tundra I wanted something a bit heavier.

This beer is a sweet stout with notes of fruit. The medium bodied with an interesting nose. The nose and flavor profile are very similar and true to a traditional milk stout.


I ended up sipping on this one for over an hour and like with most stout I liked the flavor as the beer warmed. Stouts are always better warmer. IPAs and lagers are best cold but a 56F stout just has so many more complex the open with the warmer temperatures. I should probably do a whole post on proper beer temperatures and glassware to optimize you drinking experience, but I’ll leave it alone for now.


I will however pat myself on the back for getting two beersaturday post out in a row. I’m glad to be back in the community and regularly posting. Enjoy the and stay frost crew.


In this way, whenever we are with friends and enjoy our favorite drink and our favorite things, the time is much more special and special. It is memorable.

That what's great about having a beer

Real reviews help people know about the product

Very true


Very interesting! I always think that Packzi's are a good idea, then I have one and I instantly regret eating it. They just never hit with me like I feel like they should. That being said, I wouldn't let it keep me from trying this beer out. It sounds quite amazing!

Even QD Packzis? I have to say that's a hot take bozz lol. This beer was really good and it's something I think you would like.

Yeah, I just don't enjoy them. They are too greasy and heavy. I think it has to do with the dough not being yeasty enough. I love a good bizmark.

Alright you are forgiven I love a good bizmark too

The beer looks so crisp. I mostly just drink carlsberg !

It's a sipper but you can only have 1

Glad to hear your spirits are back, in the cold weather everything feels relatable. :)

Yeah it so cold right now it actually dangerous.

A very good beer, great review.

Thanks cheers mate

Imagine the name, lol. 😅

Love a fun name for sure.

Lol nice flavour

The can is nice looking, but I wonder how much sugar is in it 🤔

Beer has a decent amount calories it's not for thise who are on a diet.