I'm a big fan of Hive-Engine, and one of my favorite things about Hive is the way people can create communities, and then create their own "second layer" to support or incentivize their communities.
Or even "just because they want to."
Of course, after the years we've been doing things in this community, there are more of these tokens than any reasonable person could even hope to keep up with.
But I'm a curious cat, so I check my Hive-Engine wallet regularly, and since I'm a dedicated PeakD user, I check the constant stream of tiny transactions that seem to constantly be flowing through my wallet:
I look at these, and I can't help but wonder whether any of this will ever amount to anything.
I have my doubts, but I suppose we can't rule out the possibility that people get a small sense that "something is happening," and are encourgaed thereby.
Not trying to be disparaging here... after all, I have managed to stack enough of certain Hive-Engine tokens that actually have well beyond "dust value."
But those of any value are few and far between, compared to those that have absolutely no value.
And there are quite a few I don't even understand how are generated, in the first place. I try to look them up, but it remains unclear whether there's some specific tag that triggers a curation reward... because there's no community, and no free-standing front end.
As in, "will I be rewarded with CAT tokens, if I use the tag MOUSE?"
As far as I am concerned, one of the things Hive is definitely missing is an easy to understand summary or database of all Hive-Engine tokens and how they actually work within the ecosystem... from purpose to tokenomics.
It seems unlikely that such a thing will ever happen, mind you.
After the turn of the year, every year, I painstakingly go through every single non-zero balance in my Hive-Engine wallet and send all the dust balances to the @null account to be burned... and to give my wallet a more tidy look and feel.
And it's really surprising just how many of these tiny little amounts of fractional tokens show up in the course of a year.
I guess token creators are just hopeful that htye'll come up with the next thing that catches a lot of people's imagination!
I'll just keep on saving them!
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