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RE: Beyond the Tyranny of Now

in #storylast year

Glad to hear the tea ws good. I've never tried Russian Caravan tea. Maybe I'll try to order both of those from here. Could be a fun experiment.

I don't know if people will ever learn their lessons. Well, no, that's not right. I always think people are good. People are just shaped by their environment, and at the moment our environment is overwhelming us with bad things. Even if they ignore social media and "real" media's propaganda, they can't ignore the crushing reality of our Uber-capitalist society in which the capital is increasingly almost entirely within the hands of the 1%, everyone else is getting poorer, and as a result, more stressed, more scared, more overwhelmed, etc. It's hard for anyone to function in this environment.

You mention Hollywood's message of dystopia, which they've been shoving down our throats for the past 40 years. Was Blade Runner the first? Great movie, but it started a trend I'd rather not have. Then again, maybe The Warriors was the first. I guess it was running off the reality of NYC just completely crumbling at the time, but the image it gave persisted. I hope eventually Hollywood moves on to a more positive vision of the future.

Great poem. A pleasant dream!


It would be fun to try the Bohea and Russian Caravan side-by-side.

I tend to agree with your take on the goodness of humanity. Traveling has taught me that most typical people everywhere are generally good and just want to be happy. Their are some bad seeds that are just born that way but usually a person is "trained" to do harm by the environment they're raised in. On the other hand, not everyone is interested in consciously evolving. I heard a quote the other day, "Unfortunately, some people were not put here to evolve. They are here to remind you what it looks like if you don't." The longer I live the more I see there's truth in that too.

With as unbalanced as our society is becoming the deck is stacked against a majority of people. Cryptocurrency was one of the last real tickets out of servitude for a lot of people. The governments of the world realized this and, I believe, this is one reason they resisted it so strongly. We have to, somehow, regain more equality as a society. I don't even know how we'd do it at this point but I haven't given up hope.

You're so right, they've been filling our heads with violence and debauchery for decades. It's a shame too because I think the more of that kind of media we consume and absorb, the more it becomes our reality and is then manifested into the physical world through peoples' actions.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.