So, there was a debate this evening, of the candidates for the US Presidency.
Not going to comment on the politics of it... but I find myself reflection on what is "real" and what is not... and whose reality is it, anyway?
This bird is WATCHING you...
Thinking about what is heard and seen and employing a little critical analysis seems to *(sadly) have become a thing of the past. People seem quite willing to just accept what is spoon fed to them, without fact checking anything.
It's on the Internet, so it must be true...
The Internet is a lovely invention. Never before have we had access to such an extensive source of information and such an instant source of "the latest." Everybody becomes a news reporter, an expert, a commentator and a front row spectator to everything that ever happens, out there.
In some ways, it's pretty amazing. Consider, for a moment, that just 150 years ago, it might be several days before you even knew the President had been shot. Now we watch it unfold live, or within a few seconds of it happening, 24/7/365.
Recently, I was looking at a YouTube clip someone had sent me a link to, and it really struck home how the web is this place where you can find supporting "evidence" for almost ANY belief you might hold. This evening, both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris "won" the debate.
Depending on who decides...
You believe that beef fat and bacon is going to kill you? Five minutes with Google, and you can find scientific evidence that your belief is true. You believe that beef fat and bacon are actually good for you? Five minutes with Google, and you can find scientific evidence that your belief is true. Vegans are right, and so are carnivores...
Which brings me back to the reality that I sometimes end up feeling alarmed by the degree to which people mindlessly allow what they find online to become "an extension and reinforcement" of their beliefs... without pausing to QUESTION what they read!
People watched the debate this evening and automatically believed that "their" candidate was right... without checking any facts.
I keep thinking about "scientific methodology" and the various perils of research, as they were explained to me when I was at University. And the danger of being "attached to a theory," and then going off in search of "evidence" to support your theory, rather than merely observing facts, gathering information and then forming a theory around patterns that emerge... whether they support your idea, or not.
Facts seem to have become very unpopular — suspect, even — in this day and age. It strikes me that many people who put information online are all less about "providing basic facts" about a topic than about having a platform for their personal agendas. Like "The Undiluted And Straightforward Truth" is the last thing anyone wants to talk about... be they conservative or liberal; rabid or passive.
Meanwhile there was a debate... and I find myself wondering how many are actually taking the time to research whether the statements and claims made by the candidates contain actual facts, or are they just opinion?
And does anyone even care, as long as they looked good on TV?
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great rest of your week!
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Created at 2024-09-11 01:11 PDT