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Hi Threespeak friends.
The weekend experience topic is [ Name two things that are fair and two things that are unfair in today's society and explain in each case. Use your own photos. ]
Two unfair Thing's.
All the topics were interesting, but I found this first one the most interesting, so I'm making a post on it because it will allow us to share our experiences here in what we see happening in today's world.

There are good things that are happening here in the world and two bad things that should not happen in the world due to which the people living in the world are worried, so first we will talk about two bad things here one is that corruption is happening here in every city in every country and the second is the inflation that is happening here and why there are no good rulers.
What are the damages caused by corruption and why is it only harming the poor, why is it not harming the rich? Is making so much money that he has no problem in living and he is living his life better than before and the loss of corruption which is a bad thing due to which the life of the poor man is very much It has become sad and now people are committing suicide due to inflation due to corruption.
If someone steals for bread, he is punished so badly that his life ends, so until such a system comes that both get equal justice, then this world will never progress. And here we see that corruption has become so much that the poor do not even have money to eat bread at this time because the inflation has been so high and taxes have been imposed due to which it has become difficult for the poor to survive.

If so, it is being unfair to the poor and they are not being given the rights to live here and the rich people have all the facilities, so these things are being seen in every country. We all have to change together and it is the duty of all of us to make ourselves honest and earn money by working hard.
So that the next generation will know that it is important to earn money but with hard work. Why did the poor not get justice in this society? The most unfair thing is here in this world. We see that the poor are crying but still they are not given justice.

Two Fair Things.
Two good things I think about this society is that here we see that where there are bad people doing bad things, there are also some people who help people and help in a way that no other human being can. It is a good thing for this society and such people should be supported by all of us so that they can help others in the same way in the future. People who live in this world can live their life in some good way.
If there were no such good people in the society, there would be a lot of evil in the society and people would not even like to live here, because if a person is treated badly, after some time, another person like him will be treated badly. He surely finds someone who helps him, supports him in his sorrow, then that person comes back to life and once again starts working hard in his life.
Our role in this society is that we should do it well so that the people living here don't have any problem. If we see something that causes problems to people then we should eliminate that thing and so that people don't have any problem from us to live here in this world and they can live their life as they want and we see that there are people like this who help a lot of people and want to live a good life, so there are people like this in the world.

Today was this place, it was special and now it is our effort to share these hotels with you and tell you about the indigenous hotels of our city where beautiful maps and indigenous traditions are shown. If you know what kind of places people like to sit and eat their favorite food here and how long one has to travel to go to these places, today's place is also special and beautiful and that too within an hour's journey.
We planned to go here from our house and started the journey early in the morning along with friends. There are people who sit at a similar place and eat with their families, especially those who are truck drivers also stop here and take what they like and enjoy as soon as they enter. Here we went to their outdoor setting first because we love to see beautiful trees and flowers plants, natural things give us peace.
There was full variety of desi food here people like to eat big meat and small meat here so we also ordered what we like the guys working here were also nice and in a very nice manner. They were treating the customers coming here and that's what most customers see when they are treated with respect, they like a place like this again, if the staff is not good, this kind of business.

Then can never succeed. According to the custom of old times, a mud wall was built here with a special design which you can see in these pictures. The time used to be special and peaceful, but today we have come to the urban life,
So there is technology here, from which we are getting to learn a lot, but the peace of mind has ended and due to pollution, life used to be tense here.

Who is djbravo?
Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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