We have told him all these things but his habit is such that he trusts quickly and this girl he has been talking to him for a long time so it is not so easy for him to believe all these things as it is for a normal person. That girl is cheat with him but when we were talking among friends, we knew that the girl doesn't like him,
She is passing time with him and is only taking money from him, so we explained it a lot. But he didn't understand all these things, so he was doing his own harm, he used to put money on her and she got it, and he used to waste his time and always said that she loves him.
When a man is in a relationship, he doesn't see things the way other people do. And he was ready to leave his family for the sake of this girl, ready to leave everyone and all he wanted was to marry this girl but all these things were not so easy and then after some time he himself began to understand these things when the girl was ignoring who she was because we told her to stop giving money to the girl and stop spending on her,

Then after that the girl started ignoring her and from here problems started in their relationship, this guy really loved her and thought about her day and night but the girl she was was cheating on him. And she was loving him only for money, so when he finished giving money, the girl stopped talking,
Then the boy also began to understand all these things that someone has so much on him. One should not be quick to trust after that five or six months of his life were very difficult but then slowly he came back in his life and then he thought that never trust anyone so quickly in life.
Don't do it because when trust is broken, that time is very bad and the person is very sad and goes into depression. When a long term relationship ends like this, we go into depression, we explained to our friend a long time ago,

But when things came before his eyes and he saw for himself that the girl was just only with him for the money and then when he stopped paying her she left him and started relationships with other guys so that's the fact that this is how the world works. It is and it will continue like this.
It is better that we all have to get rid of the habit of believing too quickly. If we want to avoid depression and stress, then we all have to get rid of this habit. Well after so many days the weather was good so we planned to stay in a nice hotel it was far away from our house but due to good weather we thought we will go here and enjoy the environment here.
And see their service, how they treat their customers and how their food is tested. This place was half an hour away from our house and we left in the afternoon because it was very busy. Here it was not sunny so they were enjoying the weather, the wind was blowing, the heat was low, so we left, as soon as we entered here,

We saw that there was indoor and outdoor seating. As the weather was good, people were preferring to sit in the outdoor setting. Here they gave this hotel a country look and the way a place was built on top of the hotels to sit here a long time ago, so it was built here so that as many people as possible could travel here.
And they can enjoy all kinds of environment and this hotel was built on the road, so people who go from one city to another city, those people come here more and enjoy their food. There was a full variety of food but the weather was bad so they didn't have that many customers and those who did were sitting inside,
So here you can see in these pictures that all these people who were working they were happy because their master was treating them well and was paying them a good salary. Then after that they grew up a little, so here they did a very good thing that swings were made here for the children. If you keep giving and teasing,

The children are very happy to see such swings here and they enjoy here and then all the family members can enjoy their food if there were no swings especially. Then the mother of the children has problems and always the mother takes care of the children, then she cannot enjoy them.
Here he had written motivational words on the walls which made the people there happy to read them because nowadays every person's life is in trouble, if there is such a place and such an atmosphere. For some time everyone forgets the problems of life and starts enjoying, so this place was the best in terms of food and also in terms of enjoyment,
Every environment here was very good and we liked it very much. Now if we talk about the price of their things, their prices were not so high, every middle class family can come here and afford this food.

Who is djbravo?
Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.