I'm glad to see someone else playing Sunflower Land. Two questions for you.
- Do you have a favorite crop to plant?
- What's the crop you hate to plant?
I'm glad to see someone else playing Sunflower Land. Two questions for you.
Favorite crop? It will be Sunflower and Soybean to make Fried Tofu 👍. It's good for newbies who focus on leveling.
No crops to hate. Everything can be calculated 😍. Time management is the key. The alarm is helping me keep in touch with that while I'm doing other things. !ALIVE
How's your account? Do you invest in buds or anything?
Very cool. I'm only at level 10 right now. The only investment I made in the game was opening the daily lockboxes.
That's a good point about alarms. I'm going to give that a try.
Ah, level 10... It's still a long way. Have a fun play. Let's do our best. I hope no big investment is needed just to withdraw next time.
Well, I still think as a free-to-play player as opening the daily box and making my first payment to VIP not as an investment. As long as I don't need to pay more than $0.01 for a thing (Daily box <$0.01) and I make a purchase from my withdrawal (Purchased product + Gas Fee < Withdraw), it's not an investment to change my stats to pay-to-play player 😂. !LOL
P.S. I'm still working on the first payment 🔥
I hope you can do well with alarms. Let's have fun together~ !ALIVE