I don't mind saying one of the issues stopping me was what I read in various places about the rules for how best to get started. Which included publishing a picture of yourself, telling everyone where you live, etc.
Simply stated, I value my privacy. And, therefore, I will not be doing that.
This resonates for me. A lot. While I seem to wear my heart on my sleeve, and yes, there is a picture of me, there is still a lot that doesn't get here. The Husband was intensely private which is why I never used his name. I still don't and won't and rarely mention RL friends by name - for the same reason.
Hive, Silver Bloggers and other communities are microcosms of the real world. That means that there are disagreements - often vehement ones - and there are rule makers and rule breakers. How, individually, we decide to deal with them is up to us.
You were smart to have lurked for as long as you did and I hope it's helped you to ease your way in.
Good luck,, and I'm sure we'll "see" each other around!