VERY BIG mushrooms
While walking in the forest, I found insanely large mushrooms in a large field of hay, they were so big that I could calmly put my hat on them, and also my phone, I was like sitting and enjoying nature when I keep my things on the table. The mushrooms were like tables. :)) 😅😅😋🤠
This mushroom names are Suur sirmik (Macrolepiota procera) :)) I hope I was text name right, I was also read I can eat them :)) . But just in case, I don't pick them yet, because there are other mushrooms of the same type that are just as similar and are very poisonous.
I was use here my Sony A6000
I was use here my Sony E 16-50 mm Kit lens
I was use here my Sony E 30 mm lens.