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RE: First garden goodies consumed

in Foodies Bee Hive10 months ago

Hey Jerry, the garden is looking great this year! The cooking looked finger licking as per the usual as well. I hope all has been well my friend.


Howdy Jacob, I was thinking about you yesterday. Great minds....
Health has been improving (knock on wood) especially RE: Mobility issues. That is a GREAT thing.
Spending a ton of money on this backyard/patio too. Nearing the end, basically just flagstones to get installed

Getting a gutter to catch the rain that comes down between my carport and the old wooden garage this morning

Good to hear from you my friend.

It's great to hear you've had some improvement with health issues. I hope the rest of the season continues in a positive direction for you and hope you're able to achieve all of your goals this year. I hope the gutter job goes smooth for you too, looks like a bit of work there..

I paid $170 for this little piece, and I helped in the install a bit too