Do you like crabs?

in Foodies Bee Hive9 months ago





If you like the crustaceans, is posible that you some day of this, you can eat a river crabs, those are a animals that live between the wáter and the soil, but specially in the Little rivers, under the rocks of this paces, but we can get a Little of food with them.



Catch this is a little hard because they has a big hand and could hurt you with a big bitter with his hand in your skin, and you get a pain very strong, i said you for my own experience, be careful with this when you catch is, or if you get the crabs in the markets, too because they are live and you need to clean before to cook, and when you clean is posible received a bitter, or when you cook it.




How to cook? Well you only need salt, 3 tomatoes, a little oil, and one onions, and that is, very simple,

First you need to clean the crabs, and cut them, for better cook, and putt the little oil, in a skillet, you wait for the hot oil, and then add the tomatoes with the onions, and add the crabs cuttin,

And wait for the cook, move it constantly, well how you identify when they are cooked very nice, well you know this when the smell is so Delicious, and you see the crabs cooked, for around 15 minutes usually, and you retired from the fire.







Served it with a hot tortillas and you can enjoy a free food directly from the nature, remember when you fees hungry you can go to the nature and catch your own food.

Thanks for coming, remember own material english mistakes too included.


Nunca he comido cangrejos , mano , seré sincero NO me gustaría comerlos .

I really loved crustaceans. But sad to say I have an allergic reaction after eating them. It looks so delicious.

 8 months ago Reveal Comment