What You Should Do Right To Keep You Active At Work

in LeoFinance2 months ago

A lot of us feel tired once in a while, and so many people would prefer an extra hour of sleep than to give them money not because they do not want the money but because they feel tired so how do we reduce the feeling of tiredness so as to be productive?

I learned the hard way that cutting out caffeine is good way to stop being tired. Over 80% of people in developed and developing cities consume caffeine daily and this chemical is found in almost everything that is needed for daily refreshment including tea, coffee, and chocolate and it is even added to soda, energy drink, and even workout supplements and drinks.

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When I wake up in the morning, I always feel tired and it comes with the urge to go get a cup of caffeinated drink to feel more awake and energized but over time, it becomes a cycle of waking up tired, finding it hard to sleep, and waking up the following day feeling more tired just to wake up. Majority of the time, this is as a result of taking too much caffeine or taking the caffeine at the wrong time.

Actually, caffeine half-life is about 5 hours which is the hour it would take for it to divide into half so if you were to take caffeine at night, then there is a high chance that you will be finding it difficult to sleep because it will take 5 hours to reach its half life and the function of caffeine is to block adenosine from binding to its receptor which is responsible allowing people to sleep. If you want to drink Caffeine, the ideal time to drink it is before or during lunch because anything after that is a wrong time to drink it as you will find it hard to get sleep and find it difficult to get out of bed as a result of sleeping late.

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If you are at work and you feel tired, one of the reasons will be because you have not found a way to make your work feel good. When your work makes you feel good, it will become a source of energy making you more creative, productive, and less stressed. When you do your job with a lot of ease compared to when you are doing it with a lot on your shoulder will give you great result and keep you energized. This feeling will be different when you are working on something tedious and mind bugging as you will be finding it hard to get through well and it will suck out energy from you both physically and mentally.

When you wake in the morning, moving your body is a good way not to be tired all through the day. This will help cortisol get reduced and you will be active all day while being productive as well as less tired after high intense work. Staying under mild sun helps you stay awake and alive compared too staying indoors all through the day. This is because light has a very strong influence in synchronizing our body's internal clock.

I could have just said if you want to be active all through the day, wake up in the morning, do not drink caffeine in the afternoon so you can sleep when you need to sleep, do exercise in the morning so your body can be active, thereby reducing cortisol in the body, and stay in lightened place as it keeps the body alive but if I had just said it like that, what would be the fun of writing.

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