It's okay to be good

in Cent10 months ago

Many of us most times do certain things because we've been told that, if we do it when we are in such situations, we will get help and I understand that thought.

Truth is nobody wants to do something and at the end of the day, not get the benefit of what we did. Nobody wants to show up at the end of the planting season when it is time for the reaping season.

I get the saying that says, "One good turn deserves another but then, what if what we were expecting during the time of our needs, doesn't come from the people we expected it and how we expected it. What if the expectations we had while we were doing those things for those people are cut short when we also are in the position and in need of that help?


It is okay to be good, and it is okay to be nice, but if you are planning to do that, never do it just because of the gain you will receive, do such because it is who you are and loving doing.

Everyone might not treat you, how you treat them, people will treat you how they are, so if you want to be good to people, be good from your heart, be nice from your heart because of who you are not what you will stand to gain or the benefit you will get.

Don't expect so much from people because people prom to make mistakes, people are prone to not give exactly how you would have done that bit then, so patience is a virtue.