Unfortunately this trip in B-class is likely to be the only time I do this. It was nice having the extra attention and what not but like you said, I don't think it justifies the cost. I'll keep an eye out for deals like this in the future but as far as paying the extra for it, it really isn't worth it. Plus there are pay-to-use lounges growing in popularity in airports here in Asia that are much nicer than the ones you are entitled to with a business class ticket.
I agree experiencing seeing how others travel is nice, but justifying it is really hard once you land. I normally stand for the duration of the flight and I think this time I am going to pay the extra $200 or so for the upper economy tickets which give you an extra few inches plus you can take two bags and have access to the lounge. When you have long legs flying generally sucks and if I was short there would be nothing to complain about. I would still rather be tall though than short lol. The lounges do vary in quality and I would be tempted to try the Lufthansa one in Frankfurt who have a separate building for their one which also includes a Spa.
I would still rather be tall though than short lol.
There are many benefits to being tall that exist outside of an airplane. I think generally speaking that seats in economy class are designed for people who are "average height' which for men is something like 5 foot 8. So for us fellas that are 6 feet or more, there isn't any way for us to be comfortable in economy. I'll normally ask for an exit row if I am back there in steerage, which is most of the time.
I will definitely be looking out for these pay to use lounges though. Especially if you are a drinker - and i am when I travel although I don't like doing it on the plane because of the need to go to bathrooms - the lounge cost can quickly be absorbed by the cost of drinks which as everyone knows are drastically overpriced in airports.
Yes the lounges are a proper bonus especially if you have 3 or 4 hours to kill and then it is well worth it with what you consume. I like the idea you can have a shower and even a good sleep if needed along with the food and drink.
other benefits include that if you do accidentally fall asleep the counter staff are aware of the fact that someone on that flight is in the room because they scanned you in when you arrived and will actually go and wake your dumb ass up if you are about to sleep through your flight.