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RE: Ebay Is Kind of Confusing

in Rant, Complain, Talk8 months ago

eBay's website has Bethesda games flavor, it glitches in the strangest ways...

So, one thing I've learned is don't EVER let it do the prefilled thing; when it goes gray... For example, if you were to start typing a price in, and then it autofill's, don't let it.

For some reason, this messes up the calculated shipping for me... Not sure if that might fix the problem, but I'm hoping so, cause that sounds beyond frustrating!

It looks like you have some great advice on making an international shipping scale to refer to from alonicus though, so maybe you won't need to try to get it to work! I personally do not know squat about international shipping haha

Sending luck your way in your future sales!


There'll be a learning curve to the entire process, but I hope, in time, I'll get the hang of it all and learn about the little quirks it has.

I'm afraid of potentially screwing up my first few sales, so I'm only going to list potentially inexpensive items to begin with. I managed to get to the bottom of the international shipping ordeal, and I have my prices set in the business policy tab.