It been a while I have been dreaming of eating moimoi also known as bean cake, That was when I saw a woman hawking moimoi that triggered me to eat moinmoin{bean cake}. you can call me foodie but trust me I just like to eat good foods. I dress up and went straight to the market, on my way to the market I got chased by a dog, some children came to my rescue saying the dog want to play with me...I was saying continuously that I do not want to play with dog, people were just laughing at me but I felt really bad.
I left for the market, on reaching the market I found out things are now times two of the amount we buy them before, I have no choice than to buy them but I couldn't get all the ingredient due to shortage of fund. I bought the ingredient and head back home, I did not pass the route I passed when going because of that dog. I got back home hungry, I took some cornflakes then started with the cooking preparation. I started adding the ingredient into the grinded beans, in the process of doing this, my neighbor knocked at my door saying she is bored because almost everyone in my hostel has gone home for Christmas holiday, so I let her in my room and we both gisted as I prepare my delicious moimoi....After adding all the ingredients, I poured it gently in my folded leaf and gently placed them inside the pot and cook on low heat. After about 40 minutes my delicious moimoi is ready. I prepared pap with it and served my neighbor and myself. she commend my cooking and I was happy, I enjoyed my food and slept off immediately.
Ingredients for making bean cake...
3.cray fish
5.groundnut oil
8.curry and thyme
9.Fish but it's optional.
First of all, you will get a beans, pour it in a bowl, pour enough water inside and start to wash it until the beans turn to white from it original brown color. After this process, you transfer the washed beans into a covered container, add in some pepper and onions, cover it and go grind it. The next step is to put all the ingredient I listed above and mix thoroughly then start pouring it inside the nylon or the leaf. After this step, you arrange them inside the pot gently and cover it with a sack so that the steam can make it ready quickly and cook on a low heat to avoid burning.
The difference between using leaf and using nylon are... Leaf gives more taste to the moimoi. The leaf gives the moimoi a beautiful shape. For those selling the moimoi, people prefer to buy the one of leaf than the one of nylon.
All this pictures belongs to me