Tulipany/Tulips [PL/ENG]

in #polish11 months ago


PL: Na Placu Biskupim pojawiły się tulipany. Jak co roku. Różnica jest jednak taka, że po raz pierwszy (odkąd pamiętam) zakwitnęły w marcu. Do tej pory było to raczej w kwietniu, o czym świadczy choćby mój wpis z 2022 roku.

ENG: Tulips appeared in Biskupi Square. As they do every year. The difference, however, is that for the first time (since I can remember) they bloomed in March. Until now, it was more like April, as evidenced by this post of mine from 2022.



PL: Wcześniej też zakwitły drzewa owocowe. Dwa lata temu końcem marca na drzewie, które widać przez okno Królestwa dopiero pojawiały się kwiaty. Wczoraj większość z nich już opadła.

ENG: Fruit trees also bloomed earlier. Two years ago, at the end of March, flowers were just appearing on the tree we can see through the Kingdom's window. Yesterday, most of them have already fallen.


PL: Błogosławionych Świąt Wielkiej Nocy!

ENG: Happy Easter!


What a beautiful flowers

So, you have cherries in bloom and tulips as well?.. Still there are some dirty snow leftovers here, almost melted but still. And nothing is green-ish yet.

Ten years ago March in Poland was very warm and in the middle of the month trees were already in bloom too. And then, at the end of March, I went to Latvia, to Daugavpils, and... went back in time. Spring did not arrive there until mid-April.

This year, however, is a special one. It was already spring-like at the end of February. I even wrote it down in the blockchain. On 27 February it was 17 degrees.