In my city, there are some villages that plant every month because they live close to the stream or the have bore whole in their farm especially those who are farming, cucumber,orange, pineapple, water leaf ,okra,and pumpkin. To others we plant every season when there is rain. Last month January,we had very big rain fall that so many people like me planted some yam seed waiting for more rain. Two days ago, it rained to satisfy my heart that I don't need to wait again than to plant all that I wanted to plant, starting from okra, sent leaf, cocoyam,yam and water yam.
I started by preparing the soil, the sand for once that I will plant inside bags. My children helped me in getting all things ready, my second Son was the one who made ridge for yam. While the most senior cut of all tree branches that are not needed so that our plants will have enough direct sound for much yield. Working together like this made the work much easier.
All curry ,okra and cocoyam, I planted them inside bags using as edge all round the garden.
They helped me fixed all the bags, my cousin was the one who helped in putting all the prepared sand inside the bags. It was wasn't a small work as I'm still feeling back pain,lol. In one week time, I will check all that we planted to know where to add more or replace.
I used the beaches of the tree to cover all the bridges in case of much sun or much rain so that it will affect it much until the crops sprout and grow. Farming and gardening is like caring for a baby for you to get exactly what you need.
I love gardening
Farming gives my family natural food free from fertilizer, chemicals because I use organic manure in planting. I have where I keep all leaves, back of yam, plantain and others to decay so that I will use it my farm. Garden is assesible any time of the day. You get what you need very fresh unlike what you get from the market.
Another reason I love farming is the multiplication of seeds, last year I planted few tubers of yam, this year I have more than what I had last year even though we have been eating from it. It is just like hi e power producing HBD and more hive power.
At fish pond
After my work, I visited a friend who is a farmer too but in a big way, he has fish pond, goat, chicken poultry,so much, I only went to the fish pond with him to feed them. Since I his family, I have never go close to the fish pond or ask to see but that day, he invited me to see. What I saw was amazing and I started asking what it takes to care for fish ,how good the business is. He told me that's why he wanted me see because it is a lucrative business as long as you have space, money to start and time to care for them.
I never know that you won't know there is fish until their food is poured into the water. Wow, he kept them in different species, sizes, the new ones are very tiny and eat at night more than day time while the big ones can fly from one end to the other to eat food once is poured inside the pond. I have been thinking of it since 2 days now, farming has many branches and lucrative if you go in to it as a business, gives you food if you do it for the family.