Buy Nasi Padang in Bireuen city for lunch at home

in CCH8 months ago

Good night hive friends who are always with me. On this happy occasion I will share some very interesting pictures and stories about me buying Nasi Padang for lunch at one of the stalls in the city of Bireuen. I went alone because the goal was only to buy Padang rice.When I arrived at the stall, I immediately ordered a pack of nasi Padang, and when my rice was almost ready, I immediately took out my cell phone and took several pictures around the nasi Padang stall.

After my rice was ready and it was time for me to pay for it and immediately go home. Plus the hunger I felt was really tormenting me so I was a little in a hurry to go home.When I got home I immediately took a plate, and took the rice and I transferred it to the plate, and with a little decoration I took a photo first, so I could post it to the hive for the purpose of entertainment for all my friends.Uploading IMG-20240711-WA0021.jpg #39

After I took a few pictures, I immediately put away my cellphone and immediately ate the rice.and that's the end of my story today. I hope all my friends will be entertained by the stories I present and entertained by the pictures I share.
See you again all my friends💖