Hello everyone👋 How are y'all doing? As for me, I'm doing really great here.
The weekend is here and I'm so grateful and excited about it. Happy to be alive, healthy and take a break from some works.
I started the week with so much expectations, hopes, goals and set down plans on how to accomplish them. It was as if they were a very high mountain to climb but with much positivity and intentionality I crushed each day as they came with the help of the Almighty.
Yesterday being Friday I went out for a breakfast meeting with some business partners. It was indeed a nice outting getting to see some of them whom I've long seen only that we communicate on phone. We discussed at length on how to move our business forward and also talked to them about Hive community which some of them gave positive responses. Can't wait to onboard them and share the story soon.
Like I planned to rest for the rest of today, I started by checking my children's academic work for the week, did some homework and laundry with them. Made sumptuous meal for them afterwards in appreciation and encouragement to do more both in academics and chores. Having got the tasks done it's time for me to rest and have my siesta. One really has to give the body rest to avoid being stressed.
In conclusion, when one gives the body adequate rest one thinks straight, reflects on one's past works to see where one had done well or not and make some adjustments to correct those not properly done.
Thanks for reading and engaging, do have an amazing weekend.🌹