Every woman defines herself. And in this, I would dare to mention elements that empower women, from our own self-esteem and personality.
I agree with this kind of woman.
Because without a doubt, the value of women is not defined by our marital status, whether we have children or not, or whether or not we have a partner.
The truth is that every woman belongs to herself and for that it is fundamental that they (we) are moved by self-love and that, at the same time, they, men, give us the real value we have, women who are authentic, with a sense of belonging and independence.
In every sense of our life. That's how I see it. Mental change implies being strong and firm women in our convictions.
Change will always start in our minds. I have optimism and faith. It doesn't matter if we don't see clarity or if we think things can go wrong. Mental strength is understanding that life is not what you want, but what is there. It is necessary to have intelligence and resilience to, together with reality, build our personal history.
You feel what you feel and recognizing it is part of the process of growing and maturing emotionally.
Of practicing sisterhood, among women, there are certainly many men still hurting incredible women, and there are women who are enemies of other women because of such horrible emotions as envy, prejudice, among others. I wish that the sorority among women is to help us grow among ourselves, to motivate us, and not to play the role of "executioner" among ourselves.
Without a doubt, everyone from the individual works in their best version, and by joining good things can happen!!!.
In conclusion...
I believe that no person (man or woman) should be hurt in any way, and respect should prevail for the simple fact of being Human Beings. This must be the premise in our speaking and acting.
The best way to protect ourselves from bad loves, and from evil people is by working on our self-esteem and strengthening our personality structure. To fail, to make mistakes in order to improve our version, is to make a difference with a firm foot and strong self-esteem.
We perceive the world according to our beliefs. Yes, we learned that self-esteem is egocentrism, we perceive that way those who express their self-love. I am an adult woman with more than 60 years and getting here has not been easy, but it is deeply liberating! Learn to love me, accept me as a capable, intelligent, beautiful, strong, agile woman who practices integral well-being on a daily basis, well, I don't allow anyone to overwhelm me, and make me feel less.
This, my dear readers, is learned and is the best thing I have been able to do for myself. Cheers to that.
Janitze 🌹
Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva
Translation with |DeepL