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RE: Love can erase mistake

in The City of Neoxian7 days ago

I don't like such love.
I prefer when you say how it's doing you quickly, so we talk about it and understand each other more.
Then, bottling it up and leaving me hanging.

And coming back when you feel like.
After ignoring me for a while.


Something like this does happen, even the people in it, they knows something is wrong somewhere, but love for the person can't let them take a step forward, it's like a kind of game, where the person do not win, unless the opponent let him/her to see their card.

Telling the person to leave the relationship, we find out that there is no need, as he/she still loves, resolution lies when the other person's change, and love back fully.

Then, it's a hurtful back and forth something.

Well, I wouldn't say it doesn't have.
As I have experienced it before.

But once you know self value and care for your mental health.
You will appreciate your decision on walking away.
Because genuine love doesn't hurt nor stress, not that it will be perfect.

Walking away is better that is the truth, but they are people who believe in everything they do, it must be summarize with a fight.

What I mean to say is that, they do not accept to leave, as it will make them to feel like a loser, the deal is, they believed if they are going to leave, it does not have to be so easy but with a fight.

People do thing's base on how they feels, and how they want their life to be.

I still understand that with experience, it helps us understand how to address some situation's, yet, not everybody learn from experience.

It is well oo
Well, some things are just meant to happen.
No matter what.

I pray for God to always take me out of such situations oo
Because healthy mental health is really important.

You will not be in a position to experience that. A very good morning blessings.

Thank you very much dear.
Trust you had a good night rest.

Do enjoy your day.

Yes, I did, how about you?

Fine fine