Buen dia querida comunidad, hoy vamos a preparar un postre muy comun en portugal y es llamado ahogado en tinto 😱, como es comun europa es un continente amante del vino lo vamos a ver en presentacion de comida, postre y por supuesto en bebida, esta version es muy parecida al postre affogato de italia pero en vez de cafe se usa vino, pero no es cualquier vino, aqui se usa el vino porto para este postre y es por su cepa que es un poco dulce, ciertamente los vinos son un poco Astringente en boca dejan una sensacion seca pero hay cepa como la sirah y algunos vinos porto que son menos adstrigente y armonizan con los postres.
Good morning dear community, today we are going to prepare a very common dessert in Portugal and it is called drowned in red 😱, as is common, Europe is a wine-loving continent, we are going to see it in the presentation of food, dessert and of course in drinks, this version is very similar to the affogato dessert from Italy but instead of coffee wine is used, but it is not just any wine, here port wine is used for this dessert and it is because of its strain that is a little sweet, certainly the wines are a little Astringent in the mouth they leave a dry sensation but there are strains such as sirah and some port wines that are less adstringent and harmonize with desserts.
2 bolas helados de vainilla | 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream |
60 ml. vino tinto | 60 ml. red wine |
crema chantilly | Chantilly cream |
cacao en polvo | cacao en polvo |

Ingredientes // Ingredients
Agregamos las dos bolas de helado en la copa donde la vamos a presentar.
We add the two scoops of ice cream to the glass where we are going to present it..
Incluimos los 60 ml. de vino tinto, recuerden preferiblemente de cepa sirah, no todos los vinos son iguales en sabor .
We include the 60 ml. of red wine, remember preferably Sirah strain, not all wines are the same in flavor.
Ahora vamos a darle la decoracion comenzando con la crema chantilly.
Now we are going to give it the decoration starting with the chantilly cream.
Para finalizar le vamos a rociar cacao en polvo que es otro alimento que va bien con el vino, en muchas catas de vino en nariz hay presencia de olores a chocolate.
To finish we are going to sprinkle cocoa powder, which is another food that goes well with wine, in many wine tastings there is a presence of chocolate smells on the nose.
Solo queda difrutarlo de verda que es un postre muy exquisito y es la oportunidad de conocer habitos y costumbre de otros paises.
The only thing left to do is truly enjoy it, it is a very exquisite dessert and it is the opportunity to learn about the habits and customs of other countries.
Gracias por tomar un poco de su tiempo y disfrutar de mi blog.
Las fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi celular iphone 14

Thank you for taking a little of your time and enjoying my blog.
The photos are my responsibility and were taken with my iPhone 14
