The face massage looks interesting... and something I badly need! However, it will have to wait until I've had my coffee. For me, the first thing in the morning is putting on the coffee machine :)
Yes, having a coffee first is a great idea, and probably a shower first too, but this way, I can do it when I'm up alone 😆
I'm not kidding you about the effectiveness of facial massages.
A few weeks ago I was highly stressed out and skipped doing them for about a week. The stress lines on my forehead were so pronounced, and I knew that it had to do with the tension in my upper shoulders, as the muscles are all connected from the shoulder right to the top of the head. After resuming the face massages, the lines are way less noticeable. I also had tension pain in my forehead, and using my knuckles to apply pressure on the areas helped.
Spending a lot of periods looking at computer screens causes us to squint and frown without realising it too.
I hope you can find a good routine on YouTube with someone with a soothing voice 🤗