Between Avenues and Gardens. Máximo Gómez Monument [en/es]

in Architecture+Design6 months ago


Hello, my friends from Architecture+Design

A few days ago I made an early tour of Havana, because I had to do some business at the Embassy of Spain. As the appointment was for my son, I could not enter and I had to wait outside. In front of the embassy there is a nice park, but as I was very anxious, I was not calm enough to wait for him sitting down. I looked around and realized that I was in one of the most beautiful and striking areas of Havana.

I focused my attention on the monument next to the tunnel, in front of the fortress of La Punta on the Malecon. It is a spectacular monument; my gaze could not stray from it. Although I have seen it many times while driving through the tunnel or simply passing by on the Malecon Avenue, it is only possible to notice the immensity of its beauty when you get close to it. It is the Monument to the General of the Cuban War of Independence, Máximo Gómez.

Hola amigos de Architecture+Design

Hace unos días hice un recorrido temprano por La Habana, porque tenía que hacer unos trámites en la Embajada de España. Como la cita era para mi hijo, no pude entrar y tuve que esperar fuera. Frente a la embajada hay un bonito parque, pero como yo estaba muy ansiosa, no estaba lo suficientemente tranquila para esperarlo sentada. Miré a mi alrededor y me di cuenta de que estaba en una de las zonas más bonitas y llamativas de La Habana.

Centré mi atención en el monumento que hay junto al túnel, frente a la fortaleza de La Punta, en el Malecón. Es un monumento espectacular, mi mirada no podía apartarse de él. Aunque lo he visto muchas veces mientras conducía por el túnel o simplemente pasaba por la avenida del Malecón, sólo es posible percatarse de la inmensidad de su belleza cuando te acercas a él. Es el Monumento al General de la Guerra de Independencia de Cuba, Máximo Gómez.



Accessing it is complicated because it is surrounded by several important expressways of the city. All this gives it more connotation and makes it very striking, like a valuable and unattainable piece that you know is there, but you can't touch it. Finding myself just a few meters away from there made my feet go towards it and, after walking all the avenues, I immersed myself in the contemplation of this monumental beauty.

Máximo Gómez is a figure of relevant importance in our history, even though he was born in the Dominican Republic. Due to this condition, next to the great monument there are two flags: the Cuban and the Dominican. Both represent the martyr who fought for Cuba as a son of this land, although his origins are Dominican.

Acceder a él es complicado porque está rodeado por varias vías rápidas importantes de la ciudad. Todo esto le da más connotación y lo hace muy llamativo, como una pieza valiosa e inalcanzable que sabes que está ahí, pero no puedes tocarla. Encontrarme a escasos metros de allí hizo que mis pies se dirigieran hacia ella y, tras recorrer todas las avenidas, me sumergiera en la contemplación de esta belleza monumental.

Máximo Gómez es una figura de relevante importancia en nuestra historia, a pesar de haber nacido en la República Dominicana. Debido a esa condición, junto al gran monumento hay dos banderas: la cubana y la dominicana. Ambas representan al mártir que luchó por Cuba como todo un hijo de esta tierra, aunque sus orígenes sean dominicanos.



He was General of the Liberation Army and played an outstanding role in the Cuban independence efforts. He is considered one of the most effective leaders for his military maneuvers, since he had vast knowledge in the matter.

The entire monument is made of white marble and consists of a short circular staircase. Above it rises a base that supports a group of 12 columns, like a temple, also made of marble. Above them is the statue of the General in bronze, riding his horse. In the front part there is a pond that at that time lacked water. At the top of the pond, a troop of horses emerges from it, galloping through a triumphal arch. As the water gushes out of the pond, the horses appear to trot, splashing the water.

Fue General del Ejército Libertador y desempeñó un papel destacado en los esfuerzos independentistas cubanos. Se le considera uno de los líderes más eficaces por sus maniobras militares, ya que poseía vastos conocimientos en la materia.

Todo el monumento es de mármol blanco y consta de una corta escalinata circular. Sobre ella se eleva una base que sostiene un grupo de 12 columnas, a modo de templo, también de mármol. Sobre ellas se encuentra la estatua del General en bronce, montado en su caballo. En la parte delantera hay un estanque que en aquella época carecía de agua. En la parte superior del estanque, una tropa de caballos emerge de él, galopando a través de un arco triunfal. A medida que el agua brota del estanque, los caballos parecen trotar, salpicando el agua.




At the height of the horses, but on the back wall of the monument, there is a bronze door between columns and an image with outstretched arms. The remains of General Gómez are kept there. Under the marble columns that support the statue there are bas-reliefs allegorical to the Cuban people and the sacrifices for the liberation, headed by the figure of Victory, inspired by the Victory of Samothrace, with outstretched wings.

A la altura de los caballos, pero en la pared posterior del monumento, hay una puerta de bronce entre columnas y una imagencon los brazos extendidos. Allí se guardan los restos del general Gómez. Bajo las columnas de mármol que sostienen la estatua hay bajorrelieves alegóricos al pueblo cubano y a los sacrificios por la liberación, encabezados por la figura de la Victoria, inspirada en la Victoria de Samotracia, con las alas extendidas.



It is a beautiful spectacle; anyone passing from a distance realizes the distinction of the monument. At the top of the columns stands the equestrian sculpture of Máximo Gómez in campaign uniform, hat in hand, looking toward the horizon. The steed has four legs on the pedestal, indicating that the general did not die in combat.

Es un bello espectáculo; cualquiera que pase a distancia se da cuenta de la distinción del monumento. En lo alto de las columnas se alza la escultura ecuestre de Máximo Gómez con uniforme de campaña, sombrero en mano, mirando hacia el horizonte. El corcel tiene cuatro patas sobre el pedestal, lo que indica que el general no murió en combate.


This monument has a lot of very good work; it is very tall and showy, it is a great artistic and historical work. Around the sculptural group there is an extension of rectangles of cement and red ceramic that adorn the entire circumference where it is located. In this wide space, lined with benches and lampposts, there are well-kept and pruned gardens.

Este monumento tiene mucho y muy buen trabajo; es muy alto y vistoso, es una gran obra artística e histórica. Alrededor del grupo escultórico hay una extensión de rectángulos de cemento y cerámica roja que adornan toda la circunferencia donde se ubica. En este amplio espacio, bordeado de bancos y farolas, hay jardines bien cuidados y podados.




I was very happy to be able to be so close, to take all those pictures, to admire with my eyes and to touch with my hands such a magnificent place. This monument tells a lot about the greatness of this historical character that we Cubans admire so much.

Me sentí muy feliz de poder estar tan cerca, tomar todas esas fotos, admirar con mis ojos y tocar con mis manos tan magnífico lugar. Este monumento dice mucho de la grandeza de este personaje histórico que tanto admiramos los cubanos.



Greetings to all. Enjoy this place, it is impossible that any Havana resident has not appreciated it, even if it is from a distance. See you soon!

Saludos a todos. Disfruten de este lugar ,es imposible que algún habanero no lo haya apreciado, aunque sea desde la distancia. Hasta pronto!


Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiaomi Note 11, unidas y recreadas en canva.
Usé Traductor DeepL

The photos were taken with my Xiaomi Note 11 phone, joined and recreated in canva.
I use Translator DeepL

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Thanks You ❤️👍🏽

Hey @lileisabel you are welcome.
Thanks for using @worldmappin 😘

Hermana @lileisabel, que hermosa publicación, me encanta tanto el parque como el monumento, hermosa arquitectura 🌹🌷🏵️💮💐🪻🌼🌻🌸🪷🌺🥀🍀

Sister @lileisabel, what a beautiful post, I love both the park and the monument, beautiful architecture 🌹🌷🏵️💮💐🪻🌼🌻🌸🪷🌺🥀🍀

Thank you sister, it is a very nice place located at the entrance of the tunnel, very attractive 😍😘❤️

I had the opportunity to visit this beautiful monument. I was happy and honored to know that the great Máximo Gómez has Venezuelan roots, I felt very familiar with the place and I will always remember that visit. Thank you for sharing.

I loved the photographs so bright and beautiful. An infinite embrace 😘💜

Tuve la oportunidad de visitar este hermoso monumento. Me sentí feliz y honrada de saber que el gran Máximo Gómez tiene raíces venezolanas, se me hizo muy familiar el lugar y siempre recordare esa visita. Gracias por compartir.

Amé las fotografías tan luminosas y hermosas. Un abrazo infinito 😘💜

!discovery 45

How glad I am that you visited it, just by being there you can appreciate all its majesty, it is very impressive, thank you for stopping by friend 😘❤️

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Thanks You ❤️👍🏽


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Beautiful publication dear, this monument is beautiful and is located in a place where it can be admired by many people even if they pass quickly in their transports. The photos were spectacular 🤩. I wish you a nice day💐🤗.

Thank you dear, I know you are one of the people who appreciates these works. I really liked having the opportunity to be so close. a kiss 😘


Friend what a beautiful monument, the view is spectacular, the story is very interesting, you managed to take beautiful pictures of the sunrise, I love especially number six where the sun's rays are peeking through.


What an incredibly striking monument @lileisabel. It's simply impossible to miss this imposing landmark when passing by it. With its eye-catching sculptural elements and architectural character, I wouldn't be taking my eyes off its attractive presentation. An exceptional tribute indeed to Cuba's war hero! ☺️

It is very striking and better located, impossible!! It is also a masterpiece with a lot of super artistic work ☺️

What an incredible architectural legacy made in honor of a Cuban historical figure! This prestigious landmark is a true testament of masterful craftsmanship of sculptural artistry. Thanks for presenting this awesome monument @lileisabel! ☺️

Thank you, it is like this @archmoments one of the most emblematic sculptural groups on the Island and located in a very attractive place.

Thank you @archimoments is so, one of the most emblematic sculptural ensembles of the island and located in a place that everyone has to see.