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RE: The Six Foot Room - Part 2

in Scholar and Scribe6 months ago

Dystopias are my recurrent nightmare. Nothing gets to me more than being oppressed by some bad mofos, so I don't think I would have a good time in this dystopic world, but it's fun reading about it.

Peacefully people are corralled into a new way of life, until the people rise up against what they accepted in a violent outburst, and they find their freedom, only to be led toward the next way of life that they soon reject. It keeps life interesting.


This idea popped into my head when I saw a video about the tiny house craze, coupled with the current housing crisis here in Ireland. I don't think it's too far-fetched to imagine us all living in tiny rooms, eating paste, using headsets to display the stuff we like on our blank walls/ shelves.

Mmm strawberry flavored paste might be nice