Aided Chopsticks? For Rehabilitation

in LeoFinance11 months ago

been searching for something like this until I saw this at Shopee

My dad, and seems this is a curse in the family since my paternal grandmother's time, that the hands is easily overworked and the muscles will strain to much to the point that the nerves can be damaged and the muscle will start to deteriorate because there's no nutrients going there.

I had an early detection back in 2013 when I suddenly developed digital tendinitis , but God was good He healed me in 2015; but for my dad, by the time the detection come, it was too late to do anything at the time.

Yet again, the LORD is really good. He has been slowly healing my dad to the point he could slowly start picking up things easier, so I am thinking of trying out these for him.

My brother is also facing the same problem. Being diabetic, his nerve damage is far much faster than my dad's, and now he too has trouble picking up chopsticks.

I am going to give this a try and see if this will help them.

They cost around 20 HIVE for a pair, but if this works, every penny worth a mile difference.

